Chapter 11

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I woke up the next morning grabbing my head covering my eyes from the sun coming through the window. I sat up in bed and groaned rubbing my hand over my face. I felt someone move beside me and I looked to see Chris in bed with me and then I looked and noticed I was naked as was Chris.

"Oh god." I moaned and pulled the sheet up around me to cover me up. I got out of bed and grabbed a t-shirt of Chris's that was laid over a chair and I put it on going into the bathroom. I turned on the sink and started splashing water on my face. I then looked in the mirror and saw something that shocked me. I looked down at my left hand and there on my ring finger was a diamond ring.

"Oh no, no, no, no, this isn't real, this isn't happening." I said and my legs gave out on me and I ended up on the floor of the bathroom and crawled to the toilet and threw up. Once I was done throwing up I just sat there looking at the ring on my finger and wondered what the hell happened last night. I finally found some strength, rinsed out my mouth, walked out into the room and saw Chris sitting up in bed and looked at me.

"Hi." Chris said and I just half smiled.

"Hi." I said sitting in the bed and groaned. I took a peek at Chris's left hand and saw a wedding band on his ring finger. I picked up his left hand, held mine beside it and showed him.

"What the fuck?!" Chris yelled and we both grabbed our heads.

"Don't yell." I said and he groaned.

"We're married?!" Chris asked.

"I don't know! I think so...what happened last night?" I asked and Chris groaned.

"I have no clue." Chris said and I moaned and fell back on the bed and pulled the sheet over my face. Chris got out of bed and put on his boxers, then got back in bed.

"Ari...come out from under the blanket so we can figure out what is going on." Chris said.

"No thank you. I am going back to bed because this is a dream, it has to be." I said and Chris gave a small laugh and got under the sheet with me.

"Sweetie, we need to figure this out. Here's your phone." Chris said and handed it to me and groaned knowing he got it from my jacket pocket when he got up.

"Well first things first, we clearly had sex last night right?" Chris asked and groaned and moved his shirt collar to reveal my neck and showing Chris the hickeys I had from him.

"I'm guessing so." I said and he sighed. I unlocked my phone and noticed all the missed calls from Megan, Scott and Steve. I then got a text from Megan.

>Turn on the TV now and explain this shit to me!< Megan said and I groaned grabbing the TV remote and turned on the channel Megan sent on a second text.

"And in breaking news...shocking news really. We have obtained pictures from a Las Vegas wedding chapel of Chris Evans and long-time best friend and assistant Ariana Nelson getting married. They really did it folks, exchanged the rings, said the vows, kissed and to make it official they signed the marriage license. You heard it here first Chris Evans is officially off the market....for now. Wonder if this is just a Vegas wedding we will see being ended in a few days or if this is meant to be. No one was able to be reached for comment." The reporter said.
"Shit, shit shit." Chris said and I groaned. I started looking through my phone and found photos of our wedding.
"Here husband, go through out wedding album." I said tossing my phone and him.

"Don't call me that." Chris said and he swiped through the pictures.

"That's what you are Chris, you are my husband, I am your wife. At least until we get this taken care of." I said and Chris groaned.

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