Chapter 6

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Chris and I were in New York and he was finishing up his appearance on Jimmy Kimmel and I was in his dressing room waiting for him to come back. Once the show was over Chris came walking back and I saw Jimmy come walking in with in and I smiled.

"ARI!" Jimmy said excited and hugged me and I hugged him back.

"Chris told me you were here and I knew I had to see you." Jimmy said and I smiled.

"I was hoping to get to see you actually. Last time Chris was here I saw your wife and she asked me about drawing that picture of the girls with your dog..." I said and pulled a framed picture from my bag and Jimmy got excited.

"Oh Nancy will be so happy. Thank you!" Jimmy said and I smiled.

"Anything for you guys. You have always been so good to Chris." I said and Chris put his arm around me.

"We love you guys." Jimmy said and I looked at the time.

"We have to go though. Early flight in the morning." I said and Chris nodded.

"Well we will see you guys soon." Jimmy said and hugged us both. Chris and I both left and go in the car waiting to pick us up. I looked over his schedule as I saw him text someone on his phone.

"Who is that?" I asked and Chris looked at me but didn't answer.

"Damnit Chris." I said knowing it was a girl. I just got in my bag and pulled out an NDA.

"Have her sign this. I thought we were past this when I came on board." I said shoving it in his chest as we arrived at the hotel and I got out of the car in a huff and Chris followed.

"Ari, please wait." Chris said and rushed after me to the elevator. I was annoyed when it wasn't there and I had to wait.

"Ari, please stop." Chris said grabbing my arm and I turned to look at him.

"Chris, you said when I took this job that you would behave. You planning on sleeping with someone tonight is not behaving." I said annoyed. The elevator arrived and I walked on.

"Just have her sign the NDA and be gone by the time we leave tomorrow. I will be knocking on the connecting door at 6am." I said and the elevator doors closed. 


I woke up at 5:45 the next morning, got up and waited until 6. I opened my connecting door and knocked on Chris's door. I tried to open it and to my surprise it was unlocked and I saw him sitting up on the edge of the bed and he sleepily looked at me.

"Good morning. I have coffee on it's way up." Chris said and I smiled.

"Thank you." I said and noticed his bed looked like only one person slept in it. He walked over to me and shoved the blank NDA at me into my chest like I did to him.
"I guess you are losing your touch and don't know me so well." Chris said and then walked into his bathroom and I heard the shower turn on. I groaned and closed the connecting door and went to take a shower as I got walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel the connecting door opened and Chris was standing there in a t-shirt and jeans and saw me in a towel. I noticed he had the coffees and a bag of something.

"Coffee and something for you." Chris said and I smiled.

"Can I get dressed before I open the gift?" I asked grabbing my jeans and t-shirt heading back into the bathroom to change. Once I came out Chris was sitting on my bed and I sat next to him taking the coffee. I sighed and he looked at me.

"I'm sorry I assumed." I said and Chris shrugged.

"I was being secretive and gave you no reason not to. Although this is why I was being secretive." Chris said and handed me the gift bag.

"Chris..." I said and he shook his head and I opened the bag to find a couple sketch books and pencils.

"Thank you, I love it." I said and Chris smiled.

"Maybe I could get a couple of pictures from you like your birthday card?" Chris asked and I nodded.

"For sure. We have a long flight, I can work on something." I said and Chris smiled and then I noticed a small white box in the bag. I pulled it out and opened it. I saw a St. Christopher pendent like Chris's. He pulled it from the box.

"St. Christopher symbolizes safe travels and since we will be traveling a lot I want you to have one too." Chris said and I turned so he could put it on me. I looked down and smiled once it was on.

"Thank you." I said and Chris smiled and I hugged him.

"Again I feel like an ass because I assumed the worst." I said and he shook his head.

"I do want to change, not just because you are my PA but you said it before I am getting older. I have made it known I want to find someone to settle down with and have a family. I think it's time to only start dating serious women." Chris said and I nodded.

"Whatever you want Chris. I think it's a good idea though." I said and he kissed my cheek. I got up and placed the drawing stuff in my carry-on bag and sighed.

"We should probably go check out and head to the airport." I said and he nodded. He thought it was odd I didn't want to talk about his relationships but he let it go. We packed up and left for the airport.


We were on the flight to LA and I sighed.

"Once we get to LA I have a hotel book for me and you can stay at you house." I said and Chris looked at me as I drew in the pad he gave me. He pulled my phone from my pocket and I looked at him oddly. He called the hotel.

"Yes, you have Ariana Nelson booked for a room. I would like to cancel that." Chris said once the front desk picked up.

"Chris!" I said trying to take my phone from him and he fought me off.

"Okay thank you." I heard Chris said and hang up.

"What did you do that for?" I asked as he handed me my phone back.

"Why can't you just stay with me?" Chris asked and I groaned.

"I thought you would want your personal space." I said and Chris groaned.

"Meaning you thought I would bring hook ups that I hold on to in LA back to the house?" Chris asked and I didn't say anything.

"Wow, did nothing I say to you in New York stick?!" Chris asked annoyed.
"It did but Chris you have said that before so sorry if I don't believe you. I know you have girls in LA, New York, Boston...anywhere else. I just wanted to give you your space." I said. Chris didn't say anything, just put in his earbuds in. I groaned and went back to drawing. I then thought of a drawing to apologize to Chris and at least hopefully make him laugh. Once I finished I put it on his lap and he just shook his head and smiled. It was picture of him in his captain America uniform and Dodger in one as well. He looked at me and smiled then kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry I said what I said." I said and he smiled shaking his head.

"No, you had every right to." Chris said and I sighed.

"Maybe your best friend who knows everything about you wasn't a smart choice for your PA." I said and sighed.

"No, it was the best choice. You call me on my shit, it may piss me off but I like it too." Chris said and I smiled as the announcement was made that we were about to land.

"If you want I will call and get you a hotel room." Chris said and I shook my head.

"No, I will stay with you. I miss the LA house." I said and Chris nodded.

"Perfect." Chris said and we headed off the plane.

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