Chapter 20

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I was laying in the hospital bed waiting for Chris to show up. Scott finally got ahold of him once we got here and he was on his way. I wasn't sure of much of anything going on around me, I knew I felt off and I just kept rubbing my stomach. Scott was holding my other hand as we sat and waited. He got my attention when the doctor walked in.

"Ariana....and I'm sorry you are...?" She asked extending her hand to Scott.

"Brother-in-law, Scott. Chris should be here....-" Scott was saying.

"Now, I'm here now." Chris said rushing in the room and he walked up and kissed me quickly and then hugged his brother.

"Where were you?!" I asked upset.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Once I got the paint I went to get some groceries so I could make you a nice dinner and I got stuck looking at all the baby stuff." Chris said, I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"I want to just talk to both of you. Do you want your brother-in-law to stay?" She asked and I looked at Chris and he just shrugged.

"Your choice." Chris said to me and I nodded.

"He can stay." I said and he grabbed my other hand taking it from my stomach.

"Ariana, when did you start feeling the cramping?" Dr. Clarkson asked and I thought about it.

"From now? About an hour ago maybe...I didn't really note the time." I said and she nodded.

"Okay I am actually going to have to examine you. You sure you want your brother-in-law in here for this?" She asked and I looked out Scott.

"Can you wait in the hall, sorry." I said and he smiled, leaned down and kissed my forehead.

"No problem." Scott said and left. I looked at Chris,

"You are staying." I said with a small laugh and he kissed my hand he was holding.

"Not going anywhere sweetie." Chris said and I smiled.


After some time Dr. Clarkson walked out of the room and Scott looked in to see Ariana crying and Chris was lying in bed with her as she cried and he just held her.

"Chris...?" Scott asked in a small voice. Chris looked up as silent tears fell from his eyes and just slightly shook his head to Scott and he hung his head. Scott decided to leave the room and just give Chris and Ari their time.

"Chris..." I sobbed out in a whisper.

"Yeah babe?" Chris asked and I looked up at him.

"I want to go home." I said and Chris nodded.

"Dr. Clarkson is working on the paperwork, once it's done we can go." Chris said and I nodded and went back to crying. After a little bit more time Dr. Clarkson came back in with the paperwork and I was getting dressed to leave.

"Okay, so I have your release paperwork. I also have some names of therapists if you would like." Dr. Clarkson said and handed Chris the paperwork.

"Thank you." Chris said and then Dr. Clarkson came up to me where I sat on the bed.

"Like I said Ariana, this doesn't mean anything and you can try again in a few months once you are healed and feel up to it." Dr. Clarkson said and I just half nodded and stood up.

"Can we go?" I asked and she nodded. I walked out of the room and Chris went to follow.

"Chris, I don't want to overstep but she is taking this hard she may want to see someone. Don't push it but it's better for her, you as well. This affects couples horribly." Dr. Clarkson said. Chris nodded and followed me out. We were silent on the car ride home and once we got home Dodger met us at the door and I gave him a small smile and pat on the head.

"Hey, you want to go lay down?" Chris asked and I half nodded but started to head upstairs.

"Ari?" Chris asked and I looked at him.

"I just want to be alone Chris, I'm sorry." I said and walked up the stairs and Dodger followed me. Chris heard me shut my old bedroom door and he groaned. He walked in and sat on the couch, he put his head in his hands and just started crying.


Chris was sitting on the couch a few hours after they got home from the hospital when there was a knock on the door. Chris got up and answered it and saw Carly and Lisa standing at the door. He hugged his mom and sister as they walked in.

"Where is Ari?" Carly asked and he sighed.

"We got home from the hospital and she went upstairs to her old bedroom wanting to be alone. I left her alone but I don't know if I was supposed to." Chris said as they all walked into the kitchen since Carly and Lisa had Tupperware dishes of premade food.

"What happened Chris? Your voicemail was vague." Lisa said and Chris sighed.

"The baby wasn't compatible with her body. She is healthy and able to have children and she was doing everything right in the pregnancy but they say that it just happens." Chris said and Lisa sighed.

"How did she take the news in the moment?" Carly asked and Chris sighed.

"I mean how would you expect? She was devastated and has been silent since she found out. The most she said to me was when we got home and told me she wanted to be alone." Chris said and Lisa hugged her son again.

"How are you?" Lisa asked. Chris sighed.

"I'm torn. I mean I'm sad we lost the baby, it was all we both wanted. On the other hand though I'm relieved, relieved that since it was Justin's baby. I mean any baby is sad but this was Justin's, even though he gave up rights we were always going to be tied to him through that kid. So yeah, I'm relieved." Chris said. Lisa and Carly looked past Chris and he turned around to see Ari standing in the kitchen doorway.

"Ari..." Chris said and hung his head.

"So your true feelings on that baby finally comes out. Nice to know you lied to me." I said and turned to go back upstairs.

"Ariana wait!" Chris said and followed me and grabbed my arm stopping me and pulled me to him.

"Chris, let me go." I said annoyed trying to fight him but he wrapped his arms around me and held on tight. I just started crying in his chest.

"You know I would have loved that baby no matter what, I'm sorry I said what I said. I know it was wrong. I can't help how I feel about it though Ari. I need you to know I love you and I care for you. I don't want you to shut me out. I'm hurting too." Chris said and I just cried as Chris had some tears fall. He loosened his hold on me and I broke free.

"How are you hurting? You are happy it was Justin's baby we lost! No matter what Chris that baby was part of me too. Sorry I was sleeping with my boyfriend when I accidently married you. You want to rethink this marriage now? Go ahead!" I said and rushed back up the stairs and Chris hung his head.

"Don't listen to anything she says Chris, she is mourning and angry. She will come around and take back everything she says in this time." Lisa said.

"How long do I let her do this?" Chris asked and Lisa sighed.

"Let her come to you. It will happen." Lisa said and Chris nodded. They all sat around for a little longer and then Lisa and Carly left. Later that night Chris was getting ready for bed and stood in the doorway to our bedroom and shook his head then headed upstairs. He tried the bedroom door to Ari's old room and he was shocked to find the door unlocked and he walked in to see Ari sleeping. He saw Dodger on the foot of the bed and he looked at Chris.

"Hey buddy." Chris whispered and patted his head. Chris crawled into bed next to me and he heard me sigh. I rolled over still sleep and buried my head into his chest and Chris smiled wrapping his arms around me and he felt me instantly relax and untense.

"I got you Ariana, I always will. I love you." Chris whispered and kissed the top of my head.

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