Chapter 15

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A week after Vegas Chris and I were in the house and I was coming down from my room to see Chris sitting at the computer working on a zoom call with Mark.

"There is the Misses!" Mark said and I smiled.

"Hey Mark." I said smiled coming up putting my arms around Chris's neck from behind him and bending down so Mark could see me.

"I almost didn't believe it when my wife told me. She woke me up when she heard the news." Mark said and I laughed.

"Yeah we shocked everyone." I said and he smiled.
"Well marriage suits you both. You look genuinely happy" Mark said and we smiled.

"Thanks Mark." I said and then leaned down to Chris's ear.

"I'll be in the sunroom, come find me when you're done." I said and kissed his cheek walking away. After about 30 minutes Chris came walking the sunroom seeing me sitting on the couch with Dodger laying beside me with his head on my lap.

"He hasn't left your side since you moved in has he?" Chris asked and I shook my head.

"Nope he loves me more than you." I said and Chris laughed. He got Dodger to move and sat next to me seeing me look at photos.

"What are these?" Chris asked grabbing a stack from the shoebox that was also on my lap.

"Pictures of us as kids. I was thinking we could frame some and put them up?" I asked and Chris smiled.

"I would love to but we also need some current pictures." Chris said and I nodded.

"I did find a couple from the wedding that are actually nice and you can't tell we are drunk, we should put those up." I said and Chris nodded.

"Are you trying to make this place your place too?" Chris asked and I looked at him slightly panicked.

"Oh god! I am. I'm sorry I didn't even ask..." I said and Chris placed a hand on my cheek and gave me a small peck of a kiss on my lips.

"It's fine Ari." Chris said and I smiled at him.

"You want to go out and shop for some home décor?" Chris asked and I smiled as I got up.

"Let's go!" I said and Chris laughed as I grabbed his hands and tried to pull him from the couch but he didn't budge. He instead pulled me back down to him and I straddled him

"First of all, I feel like I haven't seen you all day." Chris said and nodded.

"Why's that I wonder..." I said and Chris smiled shaking his head.

"Because my horrible assistant scheduled me on tons of meetings today." Chris said and I laughed.

"She isn't that horrible. I think she is an amazing woman." I said with a laugh.

"Why did you schedule so many meetings?" Chris asked.

"Because I had somethings to do as well and needed to keep you busy." I said and Chris smiled.

"Things like...?" Chris asked and leaned in and kissing gently kissing my neck and I moaned.

"You will be in New York next week for 3 day, 2 nights. Doing some talk shows, everyone is wanting to talk to the newly married Chris Evans." I said and Chris groaned and nipped my neck making me yelp.

"And where will you be lovely wife of mine?" Chris asked against my neck and I gripped his hair and made him look at me.

"I will be with you." I said and he smiled.

"So almost like a mini honeymoon." Chris said and I nodded.

"Yeah we never got a honeymoon. Did you want one?" I asked Chris and he shook his head.

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