Chapter 10

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A week later we all arrived in Vegas and I was so excited to be on vacation especially with Justin. Once we arrived at the hotel I went into my room I was sharing with Justin and thankful our rooms were all on different floors for some privacy. Once Justin and I got in our room I went to the window and looked at the view of the strip and smiled.

"It looks amazing even in the day light." I said and Justin smiled wrapping his arms around my waist.

"So you want to take a nap due to jet lag or go out exploring?" Justin asked and I smiled leaning back into him.

"I'm not really jetlagged but I don't want to go exploring either." I said turning in his grip and passionately kissing Justin. He moaned as my tongue invaded his mouth. We moved over to the bed and fell on it with a small laugh. We quickly started removing each other's clothes.


Later that night Justin and I showered and got dressed for dinner waiting for everyone in the lobby of the hotel. I was wearing a black bodycon mini dress that was bunched all over with silver glitter heels.

"We will get to do dinners and stuff on our own on this trip too right?" Justin asked as we sat down waiting in the lobby.

"Of course just first night dinner together as a group. We can even all split up after dinner." I said and Justin smiled at me.

"You seem so relaxed." Justin said and I smiled.

"I feel relaxed. Not having to worry about Chris this trip is a load off." I said and Justin looked at me confused.

"You aren't going to worry about him at all?" Justin asked and I sighed.

"I wont say at all if he goes off by himself but I told him I'm not his assistant on this trip, just a friend." I said and Justin smiled.

"Perfect." Justin said and I looked at him annoyed.

"You promised to try and be nice. Please find a common ground, I don't want to be the only thing you guys have in common." I said and Justin sighed.

"I promised to try." Justin said and I nodded. I heard the elevator ding and I saw Steve and Scott come off the elevator with Chris behind them. I smiled.

"You all look so handsome." I said and we all hugged.

"Look at you! You look hot!" Steve said and I did a small twirl with a small laugh.

"Hey, hands off fellas." Justin said in a joking ton and we all laughed.

"Trust me, Steve would never take me home." I said and we all laughed.

"Only if you were too drunk and needed to be put to bed alone." Steve said as we all walked out and left getting in the SUV to go to the restaurant. I ended up sitting between Chris and Justin on the ride and I grabbed both of their hands.

"You guys are going to be doing one thing together on this trip, for me. I don't care if it's even a drink at a bar I want my guys to get along." I said and they both looked at me.

"Whatever you want Ari." Chris said.

"Anything for you." Justin said and I smiled and released Chris's hand.

"I can even go with them if you want?" Scott asked and I shook my head.

"No they need to be adults and do it alone." I said and everyone laughed. The rest of the ride to the restaurant was silent, but a comfortable silence. Once we got out and went into the restaurant I noticed Chris started to get noticed and he was starting to get nervous.

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