Chapter 5

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I walked into Chris's house early the morning after his party at the bar and smiled when I smelled coffee. Dodger met me at the door and I walked towards the back.

"Come on bubba, let's get you outside." I said and walked into the kitchen to see Chris up and making breakfast.

"He has already been out." Chris said and I smiled seeing him awake.

"Okay, good." I said and sat at the kitchen island after stealing Chris's cup of coffee and he smiled. Stealing each other's cups of coffee was something we did since we were teenagers. We weren't sure why but was always did.

"I'm surprised you're up." I said and he sighed.

"I know, I surprised myself but I wanted to be up when you got here. I needed to talk to you and be awake to do so." Chris said and I shook my head.

"Don't worry about it Chris, things were said when you were drunk and I did just spring a boyfriend on you last night." I said and Chris groaned.

"Yeah....Dustin...." Chris said.

"Justin, Chris! His name is Justin!" I said with a raised voice and he groaned.

"Sorry, geez." Chris said. We were silent for a minute.

"I opened your card and gift this morning." Chris said and I smiled.

"Yeah..." I said and he smiled turned to look at me and I saw he had his St. Christopher pendent on the new chain I bought him.

"You looked naked without it." I said and Chris laughed. Chris had recently broken the chain his pendent was on and he couldn't wear it which he always did.

"Imagining me naked Ari?" Chris asked and I groaned with a laugh as he handed me a plate of bacon and pancakes.

"Not particularly." I said as he sat next to me and nudged me.

"And you made the card didn't you?" Chris asked and I blushed.

"I was bored and figured a homemade card of a drawing of us would make you happy." I said and he smiled.

"It did, really made me feel like an ass how I acted last night. I shouldn't have said what I said to you." Chris said and I shook my head.

"It's fine Chris. If you really think you saying some vulgar things to me hurts my feelings after all of these years then you don't know me at all." I said and he laughed. Chris put his arm around me and pulled me to his side.

"You know I love you and would never purposely hurt you." Chris said and I smiled.

"I know Chris, I love you too." I said and we continued to eat. I knew I was letting him off the hook too easy like everyone else did but I did spring Justin on him with no warning and I should have known better, Chris doesn't do well with surprises in his personal life. As we finished eating I got the dishes and started washing them.

"You have a zoom meeting in 15 minutes." I said and Chris smiled at me.

"Okay, what do I need to wear?" Chris asked and shrugged.

"A t-shirt is fine. Just a meeting with Mark about ASP stuff." I said and Chris nodded. Chris walked into the living room and got his laptop then sat at his kitchen table where I knew he did a lot of work and zoom calls. He set a notebook and pen down on the table in front of the chair next to him and looked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"Can you please take notes?" Chris asked and I groaned.
"You do know how to write correct?" I asked and Chris sighed.

"You are my assistant remember." Chris said and I groaned and went and sat next to him. Chris then angled the computer so we were both seen and I saw Mark come up.

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