Chapter 14

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We walked in the living room and saw Chris's mom Lisa sitting there along with his sisters Shanna and Carly.

"Shit." Chris mumbled under his breath and I squeezed his hand.

"There they are! My son and new daughter." Lisa said approaching us and wrapped us in group hug but I could tell by the hint in her voice she wasn't happy.

"Hey mom." Chris said we broke apart.

"Lisa.." I said and she looked between us.

"Everyone out of the room." Lisa said.

"You called us here!" Carly said.

"And I am telling you to get out of the room. I need to talk to your brother and Ariana. You can come back once we are done talking." Lisa said. Chris and I looked at his siblings heading into the kitchen and I sighed.

"Mom, listen..." Chris started to say.

"Sit, both of you." Lisa said and we did as we were told. She sat on the couch on the opposite end than us. She saw we were holding hands and gave a slight smile.

"So this really happened? How long have you two been together?" Lisa asked and I looked at the clock.

"Not even 24 hours yet." I said and she glared at me.

"I want the serious answer Ariana." Lisa said.

"That was the serious answer mom. We weren't together when we got married." Chris said and Lisa groaned.

"In all honesty I was with someone right before we got married. It ended not so well a couple hours before we got married." I said and Chris groaned.

"How not so well?" Lisa asked.

"He asked me to marry him and I turned him down saying I wasn't ready to be married...." I trailed off.

"And now you're married." Lisa said and I nodded.

"So what led to you two getting married?" Lisa asked.

"Honestly?" I asked and she nodded and I looked at Chris.

"A lot of tequila on my part and whiskey on his." I said and she groaned and pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Are you two stupid?!" Lisa asked slightly raising her voice.

"Is Megan working on getting this annulled?" Lisa asked.

"Not exactly." Chris said.

"What does that mean?" Lisa asked.

"Megan thinks it's a good idea to stay married. Chris has already been ridiculed for his love life and it wouldn't look good if he got divorced within 24 hours. Also, Chris and I are discovering there may be some underlaying feelings for each other." I said and Lisa gave another small smile.

"I cant believe it's taken the both of you this long to see it." Lisa said and we both looked at her.

"What?" Chris asked.

"Chris, you and Ariana have been destined to be together since you like 8 and 10 but you both thought the other was gross at the time. I was hoping when you guys became teenagers but that didn't happen. I'm not extremely happy with how this happened and I'm praying that it last. What if you two decide it isn't going to work?" Lisa asked.

"Megan suggested we stay married for 6 months. If we decide we cant be married in those 6 months we can get divorced." Chris said.

"So you guys are really going to try and make this believable and everything?" Lisa asked and we nodded.

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