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Luke knew something was going to happen. He had a gut feeling everything was going to go downhill. He had come to the conclusion the last night he held Bethan in his arms that everything was too perfect to be right. His life always got so good then something horrible just had to happen and everything would be ruined. He’d been so happy, even if he was partly relying on Bethan. She just had to look at him and suddenly it’s like a wave of happiness overcome him.

  The first thing that indicated that something was going to go horribly wrong was when he woke up the morning of the anniversary and couldn’t find his favorite t-shirt. He knew it was stupid but he just didn’t feel right without his black “you complete me(ss)” shirt. He nearly tore apart his bedroom in search of it. It’s like it had vanished.

  When his car broke down he smashed on the steering wheel a few minutes before he decided to give up and call Michael. He had been driving down the highway and slowly he noticed his car making some sort of strange noise. He pulled over and checked it out. He didn’t see anything wrong and started it up again, blowing the battery. He was irritated and just wanted to get to Bethan.

  He knew when Michael was taking too long to pick up it was going to be one hell of a day. He paced back and forth in front of his vehicle. Michael eventually showed up in his beat down car his friend who had just graduated college sold to him for a thousand dollars with messed up hair and a half button flannel.

  “Were you in the middle of something?” Luke tried to laugh but he couldn’t bring himself to do it.

  “Nah, don’t worry about it.” Michael looked over Luke’s shoulder at his car. “Dude, what the hell did you do to it? It’s smoking?”

  “Battery blew but I gotta get to the graveyard.”

  “Right, right, c’mon.”

  Luke and Michael got themselves situated into the car and Michael began to drive. Luke was upset about leaving his car on the highway but the love of his life was waiting for him. He and Michael drove in silence minus the humming radio. Luke played with the case on his phone while Michael looked straight ahead.

  “Hey Luke?”


  “What do you want to do when you graduate? Have you decided yet?”

  Luke had somehow completely forgotten about graduation in a few short weeks but he was ready to move on from high school and start at University with Bethan. They had talked to going to the same one.

  “I think I want to be a music teacher.”

  “Really now? Big ol’ Hemmings wants to be a music teacher? What grade?”

  “Middle or elementary school. I think it’d be fun teaching little kids.”

  “What does Bethan think?”

  “She loves the idea of it. She wants to be a guidance counselor or something so it works out well.”

  “How’s she doing?” Michael asked, looking at Luke then quickly directing his eyes back to the road.

  “She’s doing well. God, I’m so proud of her.”

  Michael smiled slightly. He liked how Luke had finally found something that made him so happy. He had always been so miserable and it was a pleasant change to see him so passionate about music again and how he found someone to keep his feet on the ground.

  The two chatted away as Michael kept a constant grip on the wheel. Taking his eyes off the road for a short few seconds suddenly their lives changed forever.

  A drunk driver had been swerving their way down the highway when they collided with Michael and Luke, sending them into the guard rail. The impact had nearly knocked Luke unconscious the second it happened. Michael didn’t even see the car coming towards them.

  Luke’s life flashes before his eyes. He remembered leaving home; he remembered dragging the razor across his skin for the first time. He remembered seeing Bethan for the first time. Hell, he remembered a lot of firsts.

  Michael managed to grab his phone from where it had fallen between the seats. His seatbelt and airbags were is lifesavers. With shaky hands and an insane headache he called Asami.

  “Baby, I need you to call 911. I’m on the highway,” he breathed heavily. He started crying. “I don’t know if Luke is breathing,” Michael looked at Luke, feeling his chest being crushed. “Hurry.” Asami immediately hung up and dialed 911.  

  Michael shifted around in his seat, feeling a bruise forming across his shoulder. He smacked into the steering wheel when the driver hit but miraculously, he only had a few minor bruises and bumps.

  He reached for Luke’s arm. He was sitting in his seat with his head facing the window. Michael looked at his chest, it wasn’t moving. He quickly unbuckled himself and tried his hardest to move around the small space to find Luke’s pulse. Michael had no fucking clue what he was doing. Luke’s eyes were closed and there was blood running down the side of his face. Michael realized Luke wasn’t wearing his seatbelt. Michael figured Luke had knocked his head off the side of the car. The airbags prevented him from flying out the window and the car coming towards him kept him inside.

  Michael didn’t know what to do. He didn’t want his best friend to die on him but he knew he was useless. He couldn’t do anything but wait. He watched Luke’s movements for the next couple minutes as he waited for the ambulance to arrive.

  Luke’s chest slowly started to rise and fall again, making Michael feel a little relieved. He was getting so impatient with everything going on. He just wanted everything to be okay.

  A few more minutes passed, they were adding up to seven since the call. Michael knew he should have gotten out checking on the other driver because he was okay but he just couldn’t leave Luke. Michael reached over and grabbed Luke’s hand.

  “C’mon buddy you gotta hold on a little longer,” Luke groaned. He was in an unbearable amount of pain and hardly all there. The two of them had no idea to as what had actually happened. There wasn’t enough blood for Michael to determine if Luke was actually dying or not.

  “You gotta do it for me.” Michael squeezed his hand, a tear rolling down his face. “You gotta do it for Bethan.”

  Ten minutes after the 911 call, the ambulance finally showed up. As soon as they did rain started to pour and hit against the windshield. They got Michael out but wouldn’t let him walk. They told him the driver was perfectly fine, about in the same state as Michael but drunker than ever. They sat Michael down inside of the ambulance and cleaned up his face and bandaged some cuts from roughness of the airbags caused against his skin. He waited for Luke. All Michael wanted to know was if Luke was okay, even though he knew he wasn’t.

  They asked Michael questions. They asked him his name, Luke’s name, their ages, and what happened. Michael was unable to answer half of them he was in so much shock. He just didn’t understand any of it.

  “We need to get to the ER now. The kid isn’t breathing.” A man said quickly. Another two people dragged Luke on a gurney. Michael watched in horror as they started to get him breathing again. He just stared at Luke’s pale face, wishing nothing more than it to be him lying there practically dead instead of his best friend.

  “Is he going to be okay?” Michael asked a woman who looked at him with soft eyes, tears starting to flood down his cheeks.

  “We’re going to try our best, honey.”  



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