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(December 14th, 2014)

110 days before

 The boy sitting two seats to the right of me obnoxiously taps his pencil against the desk. I sigh loudly and shoot him a look. He immediately stops and starts to write something down on the open notebook in front of him. I turn my head to check the time for what has to be the 15th time this period. It’s 9:05am and Luke should be landing in about two hours. Cassie said she was coming to pick up Asami and I as soon as first period finished so she could bring us to the airport to meet Luke.

  I anxiously play with the zipper on my sweater as the teacher explains some mathematic formula I’ll just figure out myself later. For some reason I’m nervous as hell. I shouldn’t be nervous to see him which is what I don’t understand. I’m more excited than anything.

  “You alright, Bethan?” a girl named Ingrid who sits in front of me asks.

  “Yeah, yeah I’m fine.” I reassure.

  “Alright, you’re just tapping your foot like a mad man.”

  “Sorry.” I mumble, trying my hardest to pay attention to the teacher. It just isn’t working.

  I lean down and feel around my book bag for my cell phone to see if Luke or Cassie texted me. I sigh as Asami tells me to calm down. Every second passing seems like an hour.


  The bell to signal the end of the class finally rings. I quickly collect my things and rush to my locker. I check my phone to see Cassie’s name appear on screen.

  Cassie the dink: I just texted Asami, meet me & Ash in the front parking lot. I signed you guys out, you’re good to go! J

  I sigh of relief and swing my book bag over my shoulder. I meet up with Asami as I walk down the hallway to the office. I smile at the secretary as we walk out the door. She doesn’t even bother to question us why we’re leaving, it must happen so often.

  I fiddle with the bracelets on my wrist as I spot Cassie’s red 2012 Honda Civic. Asami walks around the other side and gets in. We’re greeted with Ashton laughing about something I can hardly understand.

  “Ready?” Cassie asks, smiling.

  “Oh yeah.” I reply quietly.


  The drive to the airport didn’t take long. It’s about half an hour from the school, the four of us managed to get through half a Green Day CD.

  Cassie puts the car in park and the four of us pile out. I hug my jacket to my body in an attempt to keep me warm. The fresh snow on the ground overlaps the old stuff, leaving a white blanket. Asami complains that her sneakers are getting wet, I just roll my eyes.

  The airport is quite busy for Monday morning. Asami links her arm around mine as we walk around. Ashton and Cassie talk amongst themselves as I wiggle out of Asami’s grip and start to pace.

  We find a place to sit in the food court. Cassie and Ashton sit across from Asami and I. The four of us sit in silence until Ashton nudges Cassie and whispers something in her ear. I think nothing of it until Cassie motions to Asami to go with her to get something. I watch them as they walk over to the coffee place.

  I’m left alone sitting with Ashton. I check my messages and flip my phone over again. I’m just waiting for the one text from Luke.

  “You’ve changed him a lot you know.”

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