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‘I promised I’m going to ruin her.’ What the hell does that mean?” I question Asami, pacing around her living room.

 “I just wanna know why he brought you a muffin!?”

 “Asami, it’s not the time.” She shrugs her shoulders and kind of makes a weird face. “Seriously though, what’s he talking about!”

  “Clearly a load of bullshit.” She says quickly. I can tell she’s lying. She keeps rubbing her nose and she can’t sit still.

  “You are literally shit at lying. Fess up.” Asami makes a ‘huff’ sound and leans back against the couch. I tap my foot waiting for the truth.


  “SPIT IT OUT!” I scream at her, getting very, very frustrated.

  “Um...well... Luke and I kinda had a thing.” She admits. I can’t help but laugh.

  “Is that what you were scared to tell me?” she stares at her hands.

  I can’t believe she was having such a hard time telling me something so stupid.

  “There’s more to it.”

  Asami begins to tell me about her experiences with Luke. She explains that Luke had taken a slight liking in her (she states that she was a hottie in rehab) and he would drink with her off the perimeter when they’d sneak out or something dumb like that. I guess one day Luke caught her locking lips with one of the counselors (Asami always found a way to the cute guys) and Luke was hurt so bad he threatened to ruin her. Story time with Asami was always something else.

  “Yeah, so basically he’s out to get me and wants my head on a stick.” Asami explains.

  “Romantic.” I laugh, rolling my eyes. I’m sprawled out on the couch watching the traffic go by.

  “So what’s up with you guys anyways? I thought you hated him?”

  “I do. But what’s up with him?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “His past, he sketches me out.” Asami sighs, bracing me for another story.

  “Well first of all, he’s not going back to Australia for a while.”

  “Why not?”

  “Don’t interrupt.”

  I sigh and Asami continues.

  “Anyways, he was never an exchange student. That’s just a lame cover up back story thing. His parents sent him down to America to clean up his act which really hasn’t happened yet. He was some soccer superstar before he got into drinking and shit. Um, he doesn’t plan on going back, and he has anger issues or something.”

  “Why was he in rehab?”

  “That my friend, I cannot answer.”


(three days later – Wednesday, October 17th)

  I lean against my locker flipping through the pages of my script. This play has been the only thing on my mind for the past couple weeks besides the kiss with Luke. I have to admit, I’m nervous for it. I haven’t kissed anyone since Colton left but I’d rather not think of Satan’s son.

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