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(November 5th, 2014)

151 days before

  I feel soft puffs of morning breath ghost over my collarbones as a heavy weight on my chest stirred. Mumbles arose from Luke’s lips and I, now fully awake, giggled. He flipped over and thrashed about suddenly.

  “Luke, just stop moving and come back.” I roll over, shoving my face into his pillow.

   “So last night was fun,” He laughed before sitting back down beside me. He got up to find his sweat pants. I roll my eyes and lean over the bed to grab a t shirt off the floor which I am assuming is his.

  “Shut up.” I grumble.

  “You know you liked it.” I pull the shirt over my head and throw the blankets off me, finishing getting dressed. 

  “Maybe.” I smirk.

  “I like that shirt on you.” Luke compliments, checking his phone. “But honestly, it looks way better on the ground.”

  “And I liked you way better last night.” He chuckles and flops back down on the bed on his stomach, watching me try to comb through my hair with my fingers. I give up and throw it up in a messy bun and stretch out my arms.

  “I just like you all the time.”

  “Why are you such a flirt?”

  “Can’t your boyfriend flirt with you?” he wiggles his eyebrows at the word ‘boyfriend’.

  “No,” I say, making stick out his bottom lip. “You’re annoying.”

  “You’re no worse than that annoying girl who sits beside me in history class who wants nothing to do with me.” Luke rolls over again, making his way to the edge of his bed sitting up. I stand in front of him to get a better view in the mirror.

  “I still think she wants nothing to do with you.”

  “Yes, because that’s exactly why she’s standing here in my bedroom wearing my clothes.”

  His arms wrap around my waist, pulling me on top him. He falls back on his back and tightened his grip around my waist.

  “Luke, I’m not gonna be able to breathe.” He leaves a sloppy kiss on my cheek, causing me to scrunch up my nose.


  Luke and I were eventually able to get up and get going. We had a five minute argument about why he needed to put a shirt on no matter how bad he didn’t feel like wearing it. In the end, I ended up winning due to the fact that if he showed up to drop me off without a shirt Janet would have a cow.

  “So I’ll see you at school tomorrow?” he asks. I look at the clock in his car. It was eleven am.

  “Yeah, I finally get to go back to having you shove things down my pants.”

  “Hey, that was one time.” He says in his defense.

  “I’ll call you later you idiot.” I say, kissing his lips lightly before getting out of his car.

  I open the door to the apartment and walk inside, slipping my shoes off. I see Cassie and Janet sitting at the table drinking coffee and talking. I try my hardest to speak past them.

  “Bethan Elizabeth Sawyer, where have you been young lady?” I freeze in my tracks slowly turning to face Janet, my face turning red in the process.

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