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(Four days later – October 28th)

  I was released from the hospital four days ago. It was quite the process but Janet managed to get me out quickly due to her being a nurse. I was forced to stay home from school for two days but it’s not like I wanted to go anyways.

  Asami and Michael came around on Tuesday with my pile of homework. They sat with me and watched TV for a few hours until the two had to leave to have dinner with Michael’s dad. They promised to come around later on and check up on me. Before they left Asami took a walk around the house making sure pill bottles that were accidently lying around were out of my sight.

  I’m sitting by myself with only the lamp on in the living room eyeballing my laptop. Research papers are going to be the literal death of me if it’s not suicide.

  I push my hair out of my face and continue writing until I hear a knock at the door. I groan and swing my legs over the couch, almost tripping over my blanket. I wander to the front door and look through the little peephole. I immediately recognize Luke’s little Lego man necklace. He was too damn tall to even see his face through the hole.

  Unlocking the door lock by lock I hear Luke clear his throat. I stick my out the door, trying not to revel the short shorts and baggy top I was wearing. I looked like a literal mess even though I had no ambition to leave the house if I was on lockdown.

  “Hi.” I squeak. Luke chuckles and rolls back and forth on his heels, sticking his hands into his pockets.

  “Hello.” He replies.

  “Hi.” I say again.

  “I think we’ve already established the hellos. How are you?”

  “I’m alright, kinda lonely though. Wanna come in?”

  “That’s kinda why I’m here?” he laughs awkwardly. I practically stand behind the door as he walks in.  I shut the door and quickly climb back into my blanket construction zone. Luke sits on the edge of the couch smiling at me.

  “You’re something else ya know.”

  “Thanks, such a compliment.” I reply sarcastically.

  “Wow, even a bunch of drugs in your system doesn’t affect the sass.” I laugh and shut my laptop, setting it on the coffee table. Luke and I flick through TV channels until he gets up and grabs my wrist.

  He leads me to the bathroom. Confused, I sit on the counter and watch as he takes a baggy out of his pocket. He places it in my hands. There are a set of five razors. He steps back and watches me as I examine what he’s given me.

  “And why are these in my hand?”

  “We’re going to make a deal.” He says. Luke reaches over my head and grabs the only existing bottle of pain killers in the apartment that are prescribed to me. He pops open the top and dumps the remaining pills in his hand.

  “Drop the pills and I’ll ditch the razors.” He says, motioning to the toilet. I bite my lip as he holds out his hand for me to shake.

  “I don’t do handshakes.” I cross my arms over my chest and stick out my bottom lip like a small child.

  “Fine, pinky promise then.” He sticks out his pinky. I wrap my small one around his big one confirming the deal. Luke walks over to the toilet with the pills and I watch as he tosses them in one by one. It takes everything in me not to jump off the counter and stop him. I tap my fingers against the ledge, getting impatient. Once he flushes the toilet my only way out is forever gone.

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