
481 23 15


March 22nd, 2015

3 days after

    Even Bethan herself would have cringed at the amount of black flooding the silent, cold room. Luke would have cracked some stupid joke about how they're all happy people in a sad place and the people around them don't even know what sad is.

  Bethan would have hit his arm and hushed him. Luke would have wrapped his arm around her waist and squeezed, making her jump. The pair would have gotten hundreds of dirty looks.

  "They don't know what sad is."

  Bethan would have said.

  "You sure do show me what happy is though."

  Luke would have replied with a smile, pressing a kiss into her temple.

  If there wasn't two caskets before the crowd of sobbing people and nobody sobbing it could have been some fancy dress party Luke would have hated. He wouldn't have fit in, with his ripped skinny jeans and constant black shirt with a leather jacket thrown over top.

  It all happened too fast. Two lives taken away from the face of the earth in the blink of an eye, everything just came crashing down around the ones who loved them.

  No one would have ever imagined Luke and Bethan to end up like Romeo and Juliet in a sense. Two star crossed lovers who were in need of love. Everyone knew Bethan was strong. They never imagined her taking her own life because she couldn't have Luke.

  The priest stands at the front of the church. Neither Bethan nor Luke was religious what so ever. Janet had discussed with Luke's mother, Liz as soon as she, her husband and her two sons flew in how they were going to hold the funereal for the two teens.

  Liz has said it would only be right if they had them together, so they did.

  "I'd like to call up Asami Lautner to speak." He says. "She was a close friend of the two."

  Janet places a hand on Asami's shoulder before she stands up, flattening out the material of her black dress. She sighs deeply and faces Michael, who's almost in tears again. He had been crying non-stop since Luke passed. He's been in his own world. He was crushed.

  Asami slowly walks up to the podium. The whole room silent accept for the clicking of Asami's heels. Bethan would have given her hell for that.

  Asami clears her throat before beginning.

  "In all honesty, I don't know how to do this." She says honestly, her voice quivering.

  "So I'll start with Bethan I guess. Excuse my language, God. I know I'm in church but Bethan was one hell of a friend. Hell, I didn't even consider her a friend." Asami wipes a stray tear away from her face, being careful not to smudge her makeup.

  "She was like the sister I never had. She's probably rolling her eyes at me from wherever the hell she ended up because I'm taking too long to get to the point. She is so strong. And I refuse to speak about her in past tense from now on because as her loving guardian, Janet once told her about Luke," Janet smiles sadly. "He's still here, and so is she." Asami points to her heart.

  "She's still in my heart because she's still scolding me whenever I think of picking up that damn bottle of alcohol. When she smiles it lights up the whole room but you always know she is never completely happy. If I didn't meet her in rehab I wouldn't have met the greatest person in my life. I wouldn't have met my sister; I wouldn't have met my best friend. I wouldn't have even had a second family who I consider my first. Yes, Bethan and I have gotten in billions of fights but it was only because she either had too much eyeliner on or my dress was too short. I wouldn't have met my hero. She makes my days so much better. We can sit in complete silence for hours but it never gets boring. I can't explain how thankful I am for our friendship and I cannot explain how damn hard it is for me to have to burry my best friend in a few hours because she lost the love of her life."

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