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(November 21st, 2014)

135 Days Before


    The velvet fabric of the dress I’m wearing clings to my body as I push through the sweaty bodies that make up the crowd of people. The music pumps through the speakers as everybody moves along to it throughout the room.

  I cross my arms as I push through the freshman grinding on each other. It takes everything in my not to gag. The flashing lights reflect off every surface. The music is so loud I can feel a headache starting to form.

  Searching everywhere for Luke, who’s supposed to be my date I find Asami and Michael standing against the wall laughing about something. I make my way over to them, yelling over the music.

  “Bethan, you look hot.” Asami yells Michael nods in agreement. I roll my eyes at the pair and stand against the wall beside Asami. She turns away from me and back to Michael, snaking her arms around his neck.

  Turning my attention back to crowd I see a blond head of hair making its way towards me. A small smile forming on his face when he sees me, Luke walks towards me with his hands in his pocket.

  “Hey hot stuff.”  He says, leaning down to kiss me on the lips. Suddenly Lauren pops into my head. I sigh, highly annoyed with myself. Surely I have nothing to worry about.

  “Well, hello to you too.” I laugh. Suddenly Calum waves at Luke, signaling him to talk to him.

  “Do you mind?”

  “No not at all.”

  As soon as Luke moves away from in front of me I see a girl smirking at me from about ten feet away. Dressed in all black with a choker around her neck to match, Lauren stands there flashing me a devilish grin. I look away for a moment to see if Asami and Michael are still locking lips behind me to look back and see Lauren is gone.  I’m honestly starting to worry. She seems to think Luke is her property or something stupid.

  Everywhere I look I swear I see her watching me.


  Fifteen minutes after Luke left me to go talk to Calum I see him weave his way through the crowd towards me. I’m holding a cup of whatever drink was in the bowl on the table, most likely spiked. His lips make their way to my neck as soon as he stands in front of me. I gently shove him away. He reeks of alcohol and weed. I guess school dances made old actions return.

  “Luke, have you been drinking?” I ask him, concerned.

  “I had a little.” His voice slurs and he can’t keep his hands off me no matter how many times I swat them away.

  “No more.” I say, moving his face to look at me, hopefully getting my point across. A playful smirk comes across his face.

 “How drunk are you?” I ask him.

  “I’m not.” I drag him out of the loud, crowded room with me into the empty hallway. You could only faintly hear the music from behind the doors.

  “Were you with Lauren the other day at school?” I question him, my ears ringing from the volume of the music.

  “No?” he says confused. “Why?”

  “I was just wondering.”

  “Bethan, why?”

  “I heard something.” I admit.

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