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(December 7th, 2014)

117 days before

7 days until Luke’s home


  Rubbing my eyes and moving my hair out of my face I hear Luke’s voice clearly, along with an older female’s voice who I am assuming is his mother. I must have fallen asleep while skyping him because the bottom of my laptop is practically burning through my bed sheets. Luke and I have been skyping ever night for at least three hours. It’s been up to me to catch him up on school work and what not that he’s missed and for the last couple nights I’ve just fallen asleep listening to the sound of his voice. I open my eyes enough for me to see what’s going on but I still look like I’m sleeping thankfully.

  “Luke, you can’t just go back to Boston.” The lady argues loudly.

  “Mum, she’s sleeping.” Luke points to the screen. I feel like I’m faking being dead for some reason. She quiets her voice down.

  “Luke you need to listen to me, you can’t go back.” She pleads.

  “My life is there.” He argues back. “The girl I love is there.” He voice softens as he looks back at the laptop. I let out a sigh.

  “The girl you love?”

  “Yes, the girl I love. Surprise, I have a heart and I’m finally happy. I can feel.” He says remarks sarcastically. His mom sighs. 

  “But just think about it Luke, you have all your friends and Olivia here.” Luke groans at the mention of her name. I bit on my lip, nervous because I’m not too sure if I want to know who Olivia is.

  “Mum, Olivia and I broke up forever ago.”

  “Yes I know but she was good for you. She’s such a nice girl, Luke. She’s smart and talented.” I feel like gagging.

  “Bethan has the highest grades in our grade. She’s an honors student who’s a hell of a lot smarter than Olivia. She’s so much better.” Luke mocks Liz’s previous tone of voice, clearly annoyed.

  “I just think Olivia was the best thing that has ever happened to you.”

  “She fucked me up, mum.” Luke says, clearly sounding upset. Liz sighs once again. I understand why Luke gets so annoyed with his mother from time to time. She’s practically trying to force him to do everything her way.

  “Bethan’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You’d have to meet her in order for me to prove it.”

  “How did you meet her?” she asks. I close my eyes and listen to their conversation. It’s technically ease dropping but I can’t get enough of Luke’s voice.



  “Yeah, I actually showed up for once and met a pretty girl.”

  “And she actually talked to you?”

  “No, well yes. She actually told me to fuck off an;” his mom cuts him off.


  “Sorry – I mean she told me to screw off or something and I spent a whole history class asking what her name was and then somehow we ended up making out in front of the class so I mean.”

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