
626 10 4


(November 4th)

152 days before


  The harsh November wind hits my shoulders angrily. I shiver as I try my best to keep my cardigan up. Every attempt I try it just falls back down.

  Luke’s hand sits on my lower back as we walk around downtown Boston. Luke promised he knew where he was going once he parked. I just went along with it, knowing he was lying. The GPS on his one is getting us nowhere. We’ve been walking around for about an hour now. Thankfully, I decided against the heels Janet was trying to convince me to wear and wore flats instead.

  “There’s always McDonalds.” Luke mutters to himself, looking around for a certain sign.

   Luke had texted me earlier today telling me he was coming to pick me up at six and I had to kind of dress up. I ended up picking out some black dress I’ve had stashed away in my closest for a while. Luke showed up at my door wearing black skinny jeans and a button up shirt. He had told me this was as dressed up as it got, expect for prom. He’d make an acceptation then, and maybe our wedding. He earned a smack upside the head for that one.

  “Two dressed up teenagers walking into McDonalds, really Luke?”

  “Well if you ditched this thing,” Luke says, pulling at my cardigan. “And put on one of my sweaters or something it’d look like something you’d wear to school.”

  “When have I ever worn a dress to school?”

  “Once, it looked really good by the way.”

  I roll my eyes at his comment as we walk through the people walking around. Downtown Boston is huge and it’s a perfect spot to get lost. Which clearly, Luke and I have managed perfectly.

  “Would it break your heart if we ditched this fancy restaurant?”

  “Did you have reservations?” Luke makes some sort for sarcastic noise.

  “Of course I didn’t. What kind of man do you take me for?”

  “You’re not a man you’re an eighteen year old boy who failed second grade or whatever year thing it was.”

  “Okay, we don’t need to bring that up.”

  One night when Luke and I were famously laying on the couch talking about our childhoods he let it slip that he failed second grade or whatever because he still didn’t know the alphabet so he wasn’t ready to be advanced and that’s how I got stuck with him.

  We continue roaming around the street, stopping every couple second to look at the small shops that lined the sidewalks. Luke’s fingers intertwined with mine, never letting go.

  “Are you hungry yet?” he asks, poking my cheek with his free hand.

  “I’ve said I was hungry for the last hour.”

  “Well then, thank god there’s the McDonald’s sign we’ve passed four times.” I playfully slap his arm.

  A little bell jingles as Luke and I walk through the door. The lineup isn’t very long thankfully. I listen to Luke have a debate with himself on what he wants. I roll my eyes and play with his fingers which are still intertwined with mine.

  “Do you know what you want?” I nod at Luke and we move up in line to order.

  Sitting down at a table by the window Luke sets down our tray and throws a French fry at me, he aims for down my dress.

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