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   I push through the crowd of annoying people who just so happened to seem three inches taller than me on this horrid Tuesday morning. Tuesdays have never been my favorite day of the week. Honestly, if I could take Tuesday’s title of being a day of the week and flush it down the toilet, I would.

  I groan as I push apart two freshmen trying to suck each other’s face two feet away from my locker. They give me a dirty look and I roll my eyes. For some reason I’m just not in a good mood. Yesterday was a holiday and I was stuck looking after a drunken Asami as Cassie and Ashton moved box after box out of the apartment because Cassie and Ashton were moving into together.

  Today it is was my mission to give Michael a very long speech about leaving Asami alone with a fridge full of alcohol. I mean, it’s not really the kid’s fault that he didn’t know what to do. My guess is that Asami hasn’t told him about her little problem that apparently wasn’t so little.

  Asami’s parents split up when she was thirteen due to her father being an alcoholic. Her mother didn’t think of leaving Asami with him as a bad thing at first until Asami’s dad called her mother saying he was worried that Asami had alcohol poisoning because she literally drank so much in such a short period of time. Long story short, Asami’s dad had told her drinking was a way to deal with things that hurt. And her parent’s splitting up hurt her whole fucking lot more than they thought.

  I see Michael’s cotton candy blue colored fluff of hair wandering around the hallway, most likely looking for Asami. I yell out at his name and he suddenly changes direction, walking towards me. I cross my arms across my chest, trying to make myself as angry looking as possible.

  “Oh god, you have that ‘you did something to my best friend and now I’m going to chop you balls off and feed them to the small children I keep hidden under my bed’ look going on right now.” He rambles, shoving his hands in his pocket.

  “Well, you didn’t too anything worthy of that but you did leave Asami by herself when you saw her with three beer bottles in her hand?” he shifts nervously, waving at a tall boy with brown hair as he passes by.

  “I figured she wanted to be left alone or you were over or something. I don’t even think she noticed me.”

  “Well she did.” Michael looks kind of shocked. “Has she told you about her drinking thing?”

  “Her what?”

  “Asami is a recovering alcoholic, Michael.” He suddenly looks hurt and starts pacing.

  “Oh my god, is she actually? Why isn’t she at school? She didn’t die did she?”

  “She’s not dead, Michael. She’s at my apartment with Janet, my mom who’s making sure her headache is gone. She’ll be here before lunch.”

  “But she’s okay though, right?” I have never heard somebody sound so worried about something in their life. I give him a small smile.

  “Yeah, she’s alright.”

  “Thank god.” He runs his hands through his hair, very relieved.

  “She spent the whole weekend at my house. It’s where she comes when she’s drunk. She has a key too so she let herself in at like 2am.”

  The bell rings and Michael and I part our ways. Making my way to first period, I bump into a leather covered shoulder, my books fly everywhere. It feels like one of those dumb cliché movie moments expect all I get is a ‘fuck you’. I look behind me and see Luke thrashing down the hallway, knocking over a trashcan on his way down. I roll my eyes and sigh. It was nothing new to have something knocked over and broken in the hallways. I swear everyone here has anger problems of some sort.

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