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(November 3rd, 2014)

  “Asami, he isn’t going to break my heart.”

  “He’s literally going to fuck you and leave like that Colton kid, Bethan. Don’t fool yourself.”

  Something inside me feels like telling Asami Luke and I are now a ‘thing’ (however you want to put it – dating, boyfriend and girlfriend, etc) was a horrible idea that is going to end very badly.

  “What if he doesn’t though? What if he’s different? Have you ever thought of that?”

  “Yeah, actually I have and I came to the conclusion that he’s an asshole and he hasn’t changed.”

  “Well I have no idea what happened between you and him because no one’s told me anything but something tells me there’s two sides to the story.”

  Asami groans in frustration. I pick at the black nail polish on my nails, trying to avoid eye contact.

  “I just don’t want you getting hurt, okay?”

  “What happened between you and Luke that’s making you hate him so much?”

  “We hooked up I ended up picking another guy. He’s had his underwear in a knot and he’s hated me every since. He’s just an ass, okay?”

  “Maybe he’s changed.”

  “He hasn’t fucking changed Bethan, you’re just too blind to see it.”

  “You never said that about Colton.” I argue.

   Asami rolls her eyes and takes a drink of her water bottle. For a girl who isn’t overly fond of water, she’s been chugging that sucker back.

  “I wanted to let you figure that out on your own.”

  “But I don’t get what’s so bad about Luke!”

  “He’s into drugs, Bethan. I don’t want you to get into that again. He’s dangerous.”

  “He stopped.” I say bluntly.


  Her words are starting to slur a little. I get up and snatch her water bottle from her. There was no way in hell there is water in it. I take a small sip of it and try my hardest not to spit it out. It’s filled with vodka.

  “Asami!” I scold her. An amused smile plays across her face. I take the bottle to the kitchen and dump it down the sink.

  “You said you stopped.”

  “Well, I did. But then I got bored.”

  “Honestly you should go to Michael’s or something. I’ll call him.”

  I take her phone out of her hand and dial Michael’s number. He picks up immediately. I tell him about Asami’s little stunt and how I can’t really deal with her right now. He sighs and says he understands and he’ll be here to pick her up in five.

   I watch Asami as she goes back to sit on the couch. She looks sad and upset for some reason. I walk back into the living room and sit beside her, placing her phone in her hand. She stares at it, playing with the case.

  “So you can’t deal with me?” she looks up with me with watery eyes.

  “I didn’t mean it like that.”

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