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  Cold air from outside hits my cheeks as I slowly wake up. I rub my eyes with my hands and look around at my surroundings. I’m sitting in an extremely uncomfortable chair in my best friend’s hospital room. I pull my phone out of my pocket and notice its 7:30am; I have school in an hour. I notice Asami fiddling with her cell phone and poking at the tray of food in front of her.

  “Nice flannel.” She says her voice sounding horse. Confused, I look down at the supposed ‘flannel’ I had on and see that there’s a red and black checkered patterned one draped around my shoulders.

  “This isn’t mine?” I say to myself.

  “That’s because it’s Luke’s. He put it on you before he left around six.”

  “Wait... he stayed overnight?”

  “Yeah, he woke up this morning. I asked why he was in such a big panic to leave but he wouldn’t tell me. Why were you with him anyways?”

  “I was at the park last night an-.”

  Asami cuts me off.

  “Wait, why were you at the park? You only go there when you’re upset.”

  “I’ll get to that. Anyways, I was at the park and he just ended up there and when Cassie called me he kind of followed me to the hospital I guess. He said he was worried.”

  “Luke Hemmings and ‘worried’ used in the same sentence, that’s not something you hear every day.” Asami laughs a little. Suddenly Michael comes walking into the room with a tray of two coffees. He doesn’t say anything to Asami. He hands me a coffee and sits down where Luke was.

  “Hi Michael.” Asami says quietly, drinking the juice box the nurse must have given her. Michael smiles at her a little. His eyes lit up whenever he looked at her and I find that absolutely beautiful.

  “Hello Asami.” He replies.

  “You guys are dorks.” I say, taking a drink of my coffee. “Thanks by the way.” I say to Michael who’s clearly too busy staring at Asami.

  “I’m sorry, Asami.”

  “No, I’m sorry.”

  “You’re both sorry.” I interrupt. Asami shoots me a death glare. I just shrug my shoulders.

  “I mean I’m really sorry I accused you of seeing someone else when we aren’t even together.”

  “Honestly, I don’t know if seeing anybody else would be possible.” Michael admits. I hold my coffee with both hands, soaking in all the cuteness.

  “I’m just sorry, Michael.” Asami looks at him with sad eyes. He sets down his coffee on the table between our two chairs and gets up to hug Asami. I can’t help but smile at the two of them. They were ridiculously adorable.

  Michael and I visit Asami for a little while longer until him and I need to get to school.

  “I’ll come by at lunch,” Michael says kissing her forehead. “I’ll bring your class work by later on, if I forget I’m sure Bethan will do it.” He looks over and smiles at me. He kisses Asami’s cheek and her forehead once again before following me out the door. I sling my book bag over my shoulder and sigh as I realize I don’t have any other clothes to change into.

  “You’re lucky I haven’t kicked your ass yet, Clifford.”

  “Oh believe me, I know.” Michael laughs. “You’re not walking to school by the way, I’m driving you.” I just nod my head as we walk to his car. I open the passenger’s seat and I set my bag on the flood.  Before I fasten my seatbelt I button up Luke’s flannel half way to make it look like I had different clothes on. I pull my emergency makeup bag out of the front pocket of my book bag and attempt to deal with mess of makeup left on my face from yesterday.

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