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  My eyes open to blue hair and hushed voices. Curse words and soft music ringing in the background I wake up to Janet leaning over me dressed in her nursing uniform. I open my mouth to say something but I’m shushed and told to stay quiet. 

  I turn my head to see Asami nervously biting her nails, Michael standing behind her rubbing her shoulders. He runs a hand through his hair then leans over to kiss the top of her head. I see Luke sitting in a chair leaning over staring at me with sad eyes. 

  I’m in the hospital.

  “What happened?” I whisper. I try to move my arm but then I realize I’m caught by an IV. I sigh and try to sit up. Luke jumps out of his seat to help me. 

  “You blacked out.” Asami says nervously as Janet leaves the room.

  “It didn’t fucking work.” I say, my voice trembling. I form my hands into fists, resisting the urge to cry.  “It didn’t fucking work.” I whimper. A small tear escapes, rolling down my cheek and plopping on my hospital gown. 

  “Why am I here?” I ask through tears that are now turning into waterfalls. I feel like a worthless failure. Nothing ever works the way I want it to. 

  “Luke found you last night and called me.” Of course.

  “How the hell did you find me?” I snap, turning to Luke.

  “It’s a long story that I’ll tell you later.” He replies, looking at Asami and Michael. 

  Asami shifts in her seat, crossing her legs. Michael yawns and sits on the arm of Asami’s chair hugging him from behind. 

  “I should have been dead.” I mumble, playing with my fingers praying no one actually heard me. 

  “Thank god you aren’t because I’m in no fucking mood to go to my best friend’s funeral, Bethan.” Asami says getting angry. Michael rubs her back. Asami rubs her temples, clearly stressed out by the situation.

    “Bethan, you had me scared shitless you know.” Asami says quietly. I sigh as I look over at Luke who hasn’t taken his eyes off me. I smile sadly at him knowing what he’s thinking. Michael sees me looking at Luke and nudges Asami. She shakes her head laughing a little and stands up grabbing her purse. She walks over to my bed and hugs me, kissing me on the forehead. 

  “Just please don’t do anything dumb, Bethan. I’ll visit you later. You should be out of here by tomorrow morning.” She says. 

  “And as for you,” Asami points a finger at Luke. “Watch her with your life or else.” She threatens. 

   “I can do that.” Luke replies, shrugging his shoulder. Asami follows Michael out the door. 

  When Michael and Asami leave the room is quiet accept for the busy streets outside. Luke and I sit in silence. I stare outside at the traffic below. I’m thankful my bed is right beside the window and there’s no one besides Luke and I in the room. 

  Luke gets up from his chair and sits on the edge of my bed. I move my feet so he can sit down. I look at him. He looks tired and hurt. I bite my lip trying to stop myself from crying. This would have been so much easier if I had died. 

  “Why did you do it?” he asks quietly, folding his hands together. 

  “I was thinking.”

  “It’s always thinking.” He replies, shaking his head. “Why did you really do it?”

  His whole asshole act dropped and has been exchanged with a stubborn person who cares. 

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