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| not too sure how i feel about this chapter|


(The Next Day)

  I wake up to no one with their arms around me like I fell asleep with last night. Confused, I sit up looking around for any sign of Luke. I see a small folded piece of paper on the coffee table in front of me. I lean over and grab it, reading Luke’s messy handwriting.

  I met Janet this morning when I woke up. She’s nice and made me toast and then gave me $20 to go buy candy. She thinks we’re dating ;) I’ll see you later Bethyboo.

 Luke’s ridiculous nickname makes me cringe. I sigh and push the blanket off my legs and wander into the kitchen where I find Janet drinking a cup of coffee and reading the news paper.

  “Well good morning to you.” Janet says with a smile. I rub my eyes and push my hair out of my face.

  “Where did the six foot four blond haired goon go?” I ask, bending over to take a closer look at the foodless fridge in front of me.

  “I sent him on a mission.” She laughs.

  “Oh yeah. I read his note.” I mentally slap myself. It’s too early for this.

  “So you two are together? Why haven’t you talked about him?” she questions.

  “We aren’t really... ‘Together’. And I just never thought of it I guess.” She nods her head and finishes an article in the paper before folding it and setting it down. I pull out the chair in front of her and sit down with a bowl of cereal.

  “So how are you?”

  “I’m okay.”

  “Bethan, I mean how are you?”I shove a spoon full of corn flakes in my mouth and try to think of the most convincing answer.

  I haven’t actually really thought about how I’m actually feeling lately. There’s like a billion different emotions buzzing through my body and I’m not quite sure what they are yet. There’s some sad, some happy, some lonely and some content and a little bit of empty.

  “I’m getting better.” I reply.

  “I feel like that Luke boy is helping you.” Janet deviously smiles, ideas clearly forming in her head.

  “Hey,” I say pointing my spoon at her, flinging milk everywhere. “Don’t get any ideas.”

  “I’m not!” Janet shrugs her shoulders. She then stands up grabbing her mug and puts it in the sink.

  “I probably won’t have time to get Halloween decorations today because these next few days tend to be the busiest at the hospital besides Christmas and New Years. Would you mind going out later and buying some? Just those ghosts you put on the trees with leaves inside them would be fine.”

  “Yeah, I’ll go. It’ll be nice to finally get out of the house. I can go back to school tomorrow right?”

  “You should bring Luke with you, you might have fun.” She winks. “And yes you can, Asami is going to keep an eye on you.”

  “When does she not.” I laugh.


  Pulling my sweater over my head I struggle to find the left arm hole. I was completely oblivious to putting on clothes half the time because some days I’d wear the same shirt for a week in a row if there was no school.

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