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(November 19th, 2014)

137 days before


  Attention is one thing I’m not too fond of. Walking through the hallways of Madison Creek High hand in hand with the school’s ‘bad boy’ definitely isn’t helping.

  Hushed whispers and annoying stares fill the hallway as Luke grips my hand tighter, refusing to let go. He walks down the hallway with me by his side with a huge grin on his face. I wish I could just burry my face in his shoulder and forget about the world around me.

  So many girls are looking at me like they’re either jealous stares or whispering ‘slut’ and other things to themselves, loud enough for me to hear. I didn’t know dating Luke came with a price.

  “You’re fine.” Luke assures as we reach Michael’s locker. Him and Asami and standing around eating muffins and giggling like six year olds.

  “It’s weird seeing you two all googly eyes at each other.” Michael laughs.

  “It’s weird seeing you two get along.” I say, referring to Michael and Luke.

  “We have no choice now,” Luke laughs. “Michael here has been my friend for quite a while. I wanted to kill him with my own hands at one point but now they I’m stuck with you,” I scrunch up my nose as he nudges my shoulder. “We need to get along.”

  “This is turning into one of those really bad 1990’s comedy’s about true friendship for preteen girls.” Asami laughs as she swats Michael’s hand away from her muffin even though he has his own.

  “Hey Beth, can I talk to you?” Luke asks, dragging me away from Michael and Asami, walking around the corner.

  “What’s up?”

  “You know a few weeks ago when my mum called?” he asks, I nod. “Well, she was calling to tell me that her and my father wants to see me so I guess they’d book the tickets and pay for everything themselves.”

  “Are you going to?” I ask.

  “I’m not sure if I want to see them.”

  “Luke, they’re your parents. I think you should go.”

  “But I don’t want to leave you alone for Christmas and seem like a bad boyfriend.” He pouts.

  “Luke, if you want to go to Australia for Christmas break, I’m not stopping you. I won’t be alone.”

  I have to admit, if Luke left for Christmas it’d kinda suck but I’d have Asami, Cassie, Michael, Janet, and even Ashton. Plus he’d be home in time for school.

  “I’m going to think about it. I don’t know why they want me home so bad.”

  “Because you’re their son?” I laugh. He doesn’t smile though; he just stands there in front of me, rubbing the toe of his shoe on the ground.

  “Luke, what’s wrong?”

  “What if they try to convince me to move back home?”

  “It’s ultimately your choice, if you want to go back you go back but if you want to stay in America then you come back.” I say. “Simple as that.”

  Luke grumbles something and wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him, ignoring the fact that there are people passing by.

  “I don’t want to talk about leaving even if it’s only for a few weeks.” He kisses my forehead, causing me to scrunch up my nose. “There’s a dance in a few days. Do you have a date?” Luke wiggles his eyebrows.

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