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   “Well don’t move while I act out my prayer.”

  I looked up at the blonde hair boy who was leaning into me while looking at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I didn't realise I was leaning too until our lips met. My eyes fluttered shut as Luke pressed his lips to mine. The kiss wasn't short and simple as I attended but was longer and more passionate. Our lips moved together in sync.

   Luke drops his hands from my face on to my hips and pulls me closer. I put my hands on his chest so they aren't just hanging by my sides I gasp when Luke grabs my ass which he just chuckles and takes advantage of my position by putting his tongue in my mouth. He doesn't even have to fight for dominance since he has already claimed it.

   His hands move underneath my shirt just resting on my bare skin, which I didn't mind. Surprising I didn't mind any of this. I was I don't know... Enjoying myself? Maybe enjoying myself a bit too much.

  I wrap one arm around the back of his neck pulling his face closer to me. I tilt my head to the side while playing with the ends of his hair. They way our bodies moved together was mind bending. To be honest I don't think I have ever felt this away before while being physical with someone. Not even Colto- oh my god Colton.

  My adrenaline evaporated once the thoughts of Colton started to fill my brain. My eyes shot open realising what was going on. I untangled my hand and used the other to push Luke back a little. Once our lips unhooked from one another we took a minute to catch our breath. Luke rested his forehead on mine keeping his eyes closed. He started to lean again when I stopped him with my words; "maybe we should stop." 

He opened his eyes then smirked at me. "Very funny." He chuckled leaning in again.

"No Luke, seriously. That's enough." I whispered lifting my head up a bit

"Wait why?" He asked looking at me cocking an eyebrow.

"Because that's enough." I said again, "I don't think Miss Fray would enjoy us kissing like that in front of her class don't you think?" I snapped back. I didn't want Luke to know why I actually stopped kissing him so I quickly had to think of some lame excuse. 

  Luke groans and runs his hand through his hair, still inches away from my face. I sigh and move away from him, sitting down on the couch with my arms crossed.

  “At least we got it over with?” he says, nudging me.  I roll my eyes, not even bothered to make a joke in response.

  “Hey,” Luke says quietly, sounding concerned. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” I fake smile. “Nothing at all.”

  If only I could just tell Luke I thought of Colton. Colton always had to ruin everything. He’s ruined so much of my life and he isn’t even fucking here. He just somehow always creeps into my brain and takes over my thoughts. It’s hell. Colton was always hell and never home.

  I can still feel the ghost of Luke’s lips pressed against mine. We sit in silence, hands in between us, inches apart. The silence isn’t even the worst part. The worst part is my mind is racing and a billion thoughts are trying to be processed a second. My hands are being demanded to be held and my lips are demanding to be kissed again. It’s not going to happen though.

  It’s impossible to push Colton to the back of my mind. Even the thought of Calum trying to kiss me today is trying to take over.  I sigh and lean my head against the back of the couch.

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