. prologue

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    We're told not to take things for granted and without thinking we do. We take the smallest things for granted and then it comes back to bite us where it hurts the most. The heart or the ass - take your pick. Some of us pray every day to bring something or someone back to us. We then face the sick reality that nothing ever comes back once it's lost.

  When I was eight-years-old every memory of my parents and my older brother, Joshua slowly seemed to fade away.  It's almost like they vanished down the drain of a shower, never to be seen again. I remember it being a fairly foggy night. We were on our way home from what had to be one of the worst days of my life – my grandfather's funeral. I never expected that day to get any worse but of course, it did. 

  March 18th, 2004, the day had finally come to an end in the worse way possible. I ended that day being rocked in the arms of a nurse named Janet. She didn't have the heart to let me waste away in foster care so she began to foster me. Then after a year-long struggle with Social Workers and trying to sneak around the law, she finally signed the adoption papers. She told me to call her "Aunt Janet" or "Just Janet." She and her daughter, Cassie, became my second family.

  I spent the rest of my last year in elementary school, junior high, and, freshman year mourning the death of my family.  Sophomore year is when I finally snapped. I slowly began to drink away my sadness after hanging around the wrong crowd. They quickly got me hooked on hard drugs and prescription medication - and the rest is history.

 I spent my summer and half of my junior year in a rehab center listening to the same stories every day about these kids' struggles and their families and how much they loved them. I was thankfully never asked about my family life. I think they understood not to talk to the girl with the blue pen marks dragged up and down her arms. Due to the stress and being addicted to drugs, suicide became a topic engraved into my brain.

   I saw no point in living and I still don't. 

authors note:

Hi I am currently in the process of re-writing this! There more than likely will be some name changes as I feel like I wouldn't personally like having my name attached to hard topics etc. Enjoy the reboot!!


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