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*flash back*

   I look up at him to see him staring at the television in front of us. I watch his eyes flicker between the TV and me. I can’t help but smile a little. Colton Collins, the only boy who has ever made me believe in love. I never thought I’d come across a day where I’d actually be in love.

  I’ve known Colton for three years, since 8th grade. I had always had this huge crush on him and here I am now in 11th grade laying in his arms watching some dumb movie we’ve seen a billion times. We met at a school dance when he accidently spilt fruit punch on my dress and I told him the only way I’d forgive him is if we went out for ice cream the next day. Amazingly, it worked and 8th grade Bethan was overly excited.

  By the look in Colton’s eyes and the amount of times he kept moving I know something was up. I tried to ignore it for as long as possible but I can’t ignore it.

  “Colton, what’s wrong?” I ask, sitting up beside him.

  “Nothing.” He simply says.

  “Colt, I know you’re avoiding the question. What’s wrong?”

  “I’m moving to Florida in two days.”

  “Wait, what?”

  “I’m moving.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” he runs his hands through his hair.


  “Colton, why did you tell me?”

  “Dammit Bethan,” he says curses, raising his voice. “Do you need to know everything?”He stands up and starts pacing.

  “Well it sure as hell would be nice to know that my boyfriend is moving over a thousand miles away?”

  “I didn’t think it’d matter?”

  “Really Colton,” I say loudly. “You didn’t fucking think it’d matter?”

  “I just want to be happy, Bethan!”

  “And you don’t think I do?”

  “I’m just tired of us.” Well fuck that hurt. “I’m tired of all your stupid little suicide stunts. So what your parents are dead. Get over it! You were eight years old!”

  “What did you just say?”

  “I said I was fucking done.”

  I can’t help but laugh. I literally just sit down and start laughing.

  “You’re fucking crazy.” He mumbles.

  “And you’re a prick.”

  “You’re just a walking suicide note, okay? I just need a little bit of happiness in my life and I’m just done trying to fix you.”

  “You can’t fix someone who’s already broken so much that glue won’t even stick to the edges.”

  And with that he storms out of the living room of my apartment. In this very moment my whole world crashes down around my feet. I lean against the door frame, sinking to my feet. I don’t even have enough in me to cry. I burry my head in my knees, hoping this is all a dream and I’ll wake up.

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