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I could see myself in a wave of blood, it's thick substance raining down on me as I choked and heaved. My body was trembling with fear as another heavy wave splattered my white pelt, staining it a dark red shade. I was yowling in fear, hoping someone would pick out my screeches but with the bubbling waves of blood pouring me under the surface, and the struggle to breathe, I couldn't see anything, nor hear or feel. My head was spinning with thoughts as I shut my eyes, a wave splintering me once again, and forcing me under. I gagged from the taste, and tried scrambling to the top, but it was no use. Every inch I swam up, another wave would come crashing down on me, pushing me farther down. I gave up, my head hanging, my whole body limp, and my eyes closed as I knew this was the end.

I choked on my breath as my head shot up in alarm, my gaze wide and my fur bristling. My pelt felt wet as if I had just been in a massive rainstorm, and it smelled of stale cat blood. Snowfall was staring at me worriedly, her rough tongue softly rasping along my white and ginger fur. A grumble of embarrassment came from Dustkit, his sleek brown fur already groomed and sleeked down. His dark green gaze bored into my own, a hint of jealousy flashing in them. I returned his look with a glimmer of anger. I rested my head on the soft moss that make-shifted underneath me, my eyes coming to a close as the comforting lick of my mother calmed me down.

Light grey fur glistened in the beaming sun in front of me. The sun poured itself through the twigs of the nursery and outlined Featherkit's figure as her wide gaze drifted around the camp. She padded over to my side, licked my flattened ear and glanced over toward my brother, who was staring angrily toward us. I snorted in response and he grumbled while tucking his dark paws underneath his chest. "Just ignore him," Featherkit muttered, a slight ring of humor echoing in her voice.

I growled and rolled my eyes before escaping from their grasps, annoyance flashing in my eyes. "I can fend for myself, thanks." I murmured, flicking my tail before glancing back over to Dustkit's nest, only to realize he had disappeared. I groaned in embarrassment and plopped down next to my mother once more. I lowered my head, not wanting to meet the gazes of my mother or sister.

"Come on now, Clearkit." Snowfall urged, a loving purr rumbling deep in her throat. "Tell me what you saw." My mother was the only one who knew about my dark dreams. I had told her one evening after waking in a fright from my first nightmare, and told her what I had seen. Featherkit glanced at my mother, her gaze was puzzled. Snowfall's soft blue eyes rested on my sister's. "We'll talk later, love. Go on and play now." She meowed, nudging Featherkit toward the opening of the nursery. My sister veered away from us as if she was hoping to overhear something, but then padded out of the den with no luck. I watched her tail blend into the suns bright beams, before turning to face my mother's serious face.

"It wouldn't be smart to speak of your dreams to anyone else, Clearkit. Do you understand that?" She said firmly, giving me a hard stare. All I did was swallow what seemed to be a large rock lodged in my throat, my gray gaze widened. "Why not?" I exclaimed, curling up to her soft white belly. A soft purr rumbled in Snowfall's throat as she softly licked my small head. "Because, my dear." She meowed, without giving me a full explanation. I frowned, knowing she wouldn't discuss it further. I tucked my tail around my chest, and rested my head on my ginger paws. I slowly lifted my gaze towards her, and noticed the fresh look of fear striking through her magnificent blue eyes as she stared blankly at the stone wall. I quickly swooped my head back down to my paws, curiosity swarming in my mind. I wondered what she must be thinking about, and why it made her fearful.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now