Chapter 25

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"This isn't possible." Flamestar provoked, and I noticed that his nose was flaring while he was pacing the den.

"Well it certainly is, mousebrain." Dying Soul retorted, dodging Flamestar's fierce and stunned gaze.

I watched with a grudging glance at the dark tom's face to spot out any wariness or unease that could possibly be lingering in his expression, and I sure did notice a lot of it.

I'm not surprised considering he just betrayed Sydney.

As I turned my attention back towards Flamestar, I noticed him pause his pacing to stare at the ground with wide, blank eyes.

As stunned as I was, I believe that my leader was the most shocked at the news. And I sure didn't blame him.

Sydney is his sister.

The thing that made me furious with myself is the fact that we were, just a moment ago, face to face with the cat who started all this drama.

If we would have known about this earlier, she'd be captured and held hostage until her 'clan' of cats split apart and went separate ways.

Or until she answered our questions and promised to never return to FlameClan's sacred land.

As Dying Soul lay there, motionless, I watched Flamestar as he started to pad out of the den, his paws taking graceful glides. He seemed to have suddenly grown a sense of confidence.

As I realized he was leaving and not just sitting in the presence of the night, I stopped him with my paw, and he swiftly glared at me with apprehension. I gave him a soft and reassuring look, and I felt as if we had a small conversation within the silence.

He motioned with his tail towards the forest, and I stared at the depths of the shaded greenery, and realized that he was going to try and find out more on the rogues.

I dipped my head with understanding gleaming in my eyes, and I let him go.

He stared at me for a moment longer, before exiting the cold and dark den. I sighed, flicking my tail inwardly.

I turned back towards Dying Soul and padded over to him, nudging him up. He obeyed with a struggle.

I stalked in front of him, and emerged from the shadows of the den to be greeted by curious warriors. They huddled around me, whispering things that all clung together like a knot in fur so I wasn't able to understand.

I gave them a warning hiss to be silent, and they diligently obeyed, and I stalked away, Dying Soul by my side.

I was surprised that the tom wasn't trying to escape my presence, for he kept lingering closer and closer to me as he stared into the wilderness. I figured he was now frightened of ever returning to the forest with the thought of a killer just fox lengths away.

The thought of Sydney killing my mother and causing this commotion of another rivalry kept on striking me with a powerful force that I didn't understand, and that I wish would leave me alone.

As we reached a hollow pit at the corner of the warriors den, I signaled for Dying Soul to go in. He hesitated reluctantly, but did as he was told.

As he sat at the base of the gravel that lined the surface of the pit, he stared up at me with a pleading gaze. I seemed to have read his mind as I nodded, turning away and calling out to Featherflight and Sunpetal to guard him.

I felt as if he was asking me to keep him here, but I ignored the idea.

I noticed that all the other warriors who had joined me on the hunt to find the unfamiliar scent started to linger towards the pit, giving me awkward glances as if they were asking permission to help.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now