Chapter 7

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"What?" Flamestar insisted, halting. My breathing was becoming heavy, as my chest rose and fell faster every heartbeat.
"I-I... I think I just received a prophecy." I stuttered quietly, my eyes widening as I stared directly at my leader.

The red tom looked at me with a mixture of fear and exasperation. He padded up to me, signaling Sandpatch to keep searching.

As the leader lead me to a clump of bramble, I awkwardly shuffled my paws. Glancing back slightly over his shoulder, I saw Sandpatch's cold gaze grazing my back, but it soon disappeared as he vanished into the undergrowth of the lush forest.

I turned my head back to where we were heading, and Flamestar stopped in front of the bramble bush.
Neatly wrapping his tail around his paws and correcting his posture, he cleared his throat and stared into my eyes. I flinched at his gaze, for it seemed to be green blazes threatening to unleash what I had to say.
"Well?" He asked simply, flicking his tail tip above his paws.

I looked around at my surroundings for a moment. The bramble bush was dotted with red berries and splintered in thorns. I glanced above. The branches of the overhanging trees seemed to lean closer towards me as their bright green leaves slightly waved in the cool breeze.

Bringing my green gaze back to his attention, I flicked my ears.
"What do you want me to tell you? I have no idea where or why I received it, and I'm only just a kit." I explained, acting as if I was a senior warrior.

Flamestar narrowed his eyes. "Tell me exactly what you heard." He paused. "Take your time." He added.
I looked at my paws, staring blankly at them as my mind wandered for any existence of the words given to me. What was it?

I nipped at my upper muzzle skin, concentrating. When I heard a bird's song echo through the bright trees, the prophecy slowly started to flood back into my mind.
I repeated it in my head to make sure I had it correctly.

"The white bone of a dog will pierce the clearest dawn, the shadows will rise with its dark spirit, the flame will burn with a spark, the air will drift with a silent breeze, and the ice will snap with great power." I whispered, just loud enough to make Flamestar's ears perk at the words.

Nodding with confidence, I lifted my gaze back to my leaders. His gaze was stunned, and his tail was now lashing with thoughts.
"Bone... Clearest dawn... The shadows of a dark spirit? What does it all mean?" He asked confused, his eyes blank and blurry.

I shrugged, my theories wandering in my mind along with his. "Does it have to do with Snowfall?" I asked quietly.
Flamestar gave me a glance. "I don't know." He murmered. "We'll talk about this later." He meowed finally, getting to his paws. "We need to find your mother." Nodding, I followed after him as he bounded through the ferns that were poking themselves in our path. Trying to keep up, I stumbled on a rock peaking its head above the sand covered ground and almost tumbled to the floor, but I regained my footing.

As we halted in the patch of grass, we saw Sandpatch was sniffing at the grass blades, his fur twice his size.
I flattened my ears. Why did we leave him alone? Snowfall could still be alive. What if he killed her while we were discussing? Pure horror crossed my mind as his head lifted up, and he turned towards the both of us, his pupils dilated to a small claw-scratch.
"What is it?" Flamestar demanded, coming up to the ginger warrior. Sandpatch gave me a shocked look.

"Clearkit knew where Snowfall was. Her body is in a grass patch through these tall blades. It's deserted, but the fresh scent of blood made me come racing back here."
Flamestar gaze drifted to me, with utter shock.
With the words I wasn't expecting popped out of his mouth, it seemed as if the whole world crashed right in front of me, his question buzzing through my ears as I tensed with a feeling of fear.

"Are you... The clearest dawn?"

(A/N: DUN DUNN DUUUUUN. I know that was fast, but come on. It's called Cleardawn's Silence. Clearest dawn? Really??? They had to figure that out or you'd already know. Anyways, I'm really sorry I haven't been updating, and sorry for the short chapter! Thanks so much for reading and voting you guys, it means a lot!)

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now