Chapter 15

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I opened my eyes and almost immediately, pain washed over me and injected into my side, making me groan and squirm in my nest.

I could feel all eyes were directed on to me, telling me they were relieved I was awake.

As I glanced up sluggishly, Featherpaw, Ashcloud, and Volepaw were all standing over me with curious and hopeful eyes.

When I met their gaze, I could feel warm breath bask onto my face from sighs of relief, and I could see Volepaw skitter across the den and start to collect herbs.

When I turned to my side, facing the entrance to the den, rays of sunlight splashed onto me unexpectedly, making me wink at the powerful glare.

I quickly turned the other way, tired of facing the sunlight, and my nose brushed Stormpaw's limp ear.

I flinched in shock and unease, expecting him to be awake, but thankfully, he wasn't.

My face was only a whisker away from his and I could feel my ears become warm and a red shade appeared on my pale cheeks.

A moment later Volepaw came scurrying back over to where I was lying, dropping a clump of chewed herbs in front of my jaws.

"Eat up." The medicine cat apprentice instructed, flicking his ears towards the pulp. I sighed, taking the herbs into my mouth and chewing slowly, shutting my eyes as the disgusting taste bounced inside of my mouth, making me gag.

A soft paw was placed on my muzzle to stop me from spitting it out, and I opened my eyes to find Stormpaw's glazed gaze meet mine, his warm pads gently pressed against my slightly parted jaws.

With that I swallowed, wanting to force the moment that just occurred out of my mind, but it stayed with a strong grip.

I pocked my head above Stormpaw's pale pelt, seeing nests lined up behind him, and in them were Reedpaw, Dustpaw and Jumpingjay.

I stiffened when I saw the deputy's body being gently cared for, his usual collected breaths and movements were now ragged and shaky in his sleep.

His fur was matted in blood, and a deep, bone-showing scratch was raked across his stomach, making me utterly surprised that he could still cling on to life.

But I knew he was strong.

Looking over at my brother and Reedpaw, I could see numerous amounts of scratches crossing around their body, making me wish none of them were too severe.

I tried getting to my paws, my muscles aching and begging to be stretched, but I was stopped by Featherpaw's gentle tail, signaling me not too.

I sighed and rested my muzzle on my paws, getting a glimpse of my sister.

Thankfully she wasn't too beaten up, but her eyes were glazed with fear from what they had experienced just moments before.

I soon began to wonder how long I was asleep and I started to ask, but I was greeted by a groggily and ragged voice that made my eyes widen.

Ashcloud hurried over to me, instructing me to open my mouth, and I did as I was told.

The medicine cat shook her head and placed a paw on my neck, and a stinging pain made me jump.

Soon I came to my senses, feeling the sliced flesh welling on my throat, making me jerk in fear.

Volepaw came rushing over to me, calming me down with gentle strokes of his tail down my spine, making me release uneven gasps, easing down to normal breaths.

"It's not that bad." The brown medicine cat apprentice mewed, his voice squeaking and telling me he was obviously lying as he padded back to mixing his supply.

I rolled my eyes, trying not to move my sore neck, the pierced, swollen flesh still throbbing.

As Ashcloud tended to my wound, I watched as Dustpaw and Reedpaw started to wake up. My eyes glittered with relief seeing them stretch.

I tried to greet them, but my voice cracked and I slowly shut my jaws in disappointment, knowing my vocal cords have been pierced from the fox's angry claws.

When Ashcloud finished, I sighed in relief, the pain relinquishing into collected matter.

After the throbbing from my neck subsided, I could still feel the burning pain of my side ripping through my pelt, making me groan.

I glanced down, already noticing a fresh layer of pulp plastered onto my pelt, but I guess it wasn't working that well.

Volepaw sighed and grabbed his bundle of herbs, setting them down and picking up a few leaves and chewing, before spitting them onto my wound, making me flinch at the touch.

The brown tom glanced up at me reassuringly, and I could tell he knew how much pain I must be in.

He started to rub it onto my side, and finally, the pain I had been feeling seemed to calm down.

I thanked them both and headed back to my nest, curling up, my eyes fluttering, and the thought that Sandpatch, my own father, didn't even check on me.

I picked up my head. "Has Sandpatch been in here?" I croaked, my voice hoarse, pain welling in my throat and I coughed.. The two medicine cats shared a glance, and shook their head before organizing herbs again.

I grunted angrily, resting my muzzle on my paws.

The thought of Jumpingjay kept crossing my mind, making me squeeze my eyes in sadness for the deputy, and I sent a silent prayer to StarClan to not take him too early.

A shuffling in a nest made me look up, my ears perked as I saw Reedpaw stare confusedly around the den, as well as Dustpaw.

"Where are we?" They asked in exact unison. I muffled a laugh, but they didn't seem to notice.

As if they hadn't known they were awake, Ashcloud scurried across the ground and dropped a bundle of herbs next to the toms, chewing them and plastering them on their wounds.

"Your in the medicine cat's den." Volepaw reminded, chuckling lightly as he padded over to Jumpingjay's beaten body, cleaning him and putting on a fresh layer of herbs. Dustpaw nodded, his tail flicking as he shifted his gaze around, as well as Reedpaw.

Soon their eyes met, and I could see the tension between them rise rather quickly, and their fur rose. "Who are you?" Dustpaw asked angrily, raising his haunches.

I gasped at what my brother just confessed, confusion spreading across my face, and I noticed Reedpaw hissing. "That doesn't need to be said at the moment. Because I need to know who you are."

Pure horror crossed my mind as I looked at my friends.

Ashcloud and Volepaw shared a confused glance, fear crossing their gaze as they tried to calm the toms down, but they ignored them.

"What are you doing in my camp?" Dustpaw snapped, his eyes narrowed. Reedpaw snorted. "This is my camp!" He retorted, giving a threatening glare.

Dustpaw twitched his ears. "Then how come I've never seen you before?"

Oh. Dear. StarClan.

Did they both loose their memory? Of only just each other?

(Uh oh! Dustpaw and Reedpaw loosing memories?? But... But... They were best friends! I did it for a reason, trust me :3. And where's Redeye? What about him? You'll see :). I listened to you all, and I made it so Jumpingjay is still alive. To be honest, I'm glad. He's probably my favorite character in the story. Speaking of which, who's your favorite? Comment below! Anyways, thanks for reading, voting, commenting, and sharing this story! Stay awesome! ~Cleo)

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now