Chapter 1

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My peaceful sleep was interrupted by a series of soft bundles attacking me, causing my tired eyes to open in alarm. The bright sun blinded me, it's harsh gaze beaming rays of light into the nursery like the stars from Silverpelt. Through the light, I recognized the faces of Dustkit, Featherkit, Stormkit, and Reedkit staring at me with eagerness dazzling in each of their eyes. "Wake up you big furball!" Dustkit hissed, kneading the ground anxiously. Stormkit glared at him before gazing back at me with a wide grin. "We're going to explore camp!" He said more gently, his soft brown gaze resting on mine. I blinked excitedly, the tiredness fading from my body as I bounced to my paws. The soft moss from my nest clung to my pelt. I bounded out of the den, the remnants of the bedding that stuck to my fur flowing off. The scurrying of paws followed my lead and I glanced back at them with a glimmer of excitement before accidentally toppling over Swiftbird and her large belly. She glared at me, but a glimpse of amusement shined in her soft eyes. I mumbled an apology, giving my chest a few embarrassed licks. I eyed her swollen stomach, and the heart-warming news that she was expecting Lionclaw's kits made my paws tingle in excitement to know I'd have new friends to play with.

Turning tail, I leaped away from the upcoming mother and her milky scent and glanced around the camp. A group of warriors walked by, giving my friends and I soft gazes as they passed. They disappeared through the ferns of the entrance to the camp, the leaves sparkling with fresh dew.

I bounded ahead after the warriors vanished into the forest. A small rock alarmed me as it knocked me off my paws and tumbled me into a strong leg. My eyes widened as I realized I must've disturbed a warrior, so I scrambled to my paws and shook my fur embarrassedly. Kits were seen as clumsy and careless to most, and I had seemed to prove that to the warrior I bumped into. "Oh! Sorry!" I exclaimed nervously. A low growl rumbled above me, and I glanced up to meet the cold stare of my father.

"What do you think you're doing?" He mumbled, flicking the dirt off his paw. I glanced back towards my group of friends, who were all staring with wide eyes. Dustkit on the other hand gazed up at Sandpatch with a respectful gaze. "Uh.. Snowfall let us out to explore!" I mewled. My father always gave me a fright. His strong, muscular build and his fierce gaze made me uneasy. A groan came from above his ginger belly, and I backed away to stand beside my brother. The brown tom-kit rolled his eyes and padded up to our father, touching noses with him.

"You shouldn't be out here." Sandpatch muttered to me, his tail flicking. My gray gaze blinked up at him, annoyance flashing through them. "But Snowfall let us!" I protested, my tail lashing. Sandpatch gave me a harsh stare, causing my ears to flatten against my head.

"You can't be out here stumbling into your Clanmates. It makes you look clumsy." He grumbled, his ear twitching. He bent down and shared a lick with Dustkit, gazing one last time at me before padding away to join Flamestar and Jumpingjay. I mumbled annoyance to myself, hating how Dustkit was and always would be his favorite.

Dustkit noticed my remarks and gave me a cold stare. "He's a senior warrior, the most trusted one in the Clan. You're making him look like a fool raising a kit like you." He hissed at me, lashing his tail. I glared at him, a flash of hurt glittering in my eyes, but I said nothing.

Fury made my fur rise. Thoughts always swirled around my head when it came to the point when Dustkit teased me and made remarks.

My thoughts were shattered when Reedkit softly prodded me. "Come on, let's go." He urged, dashing away towards a hollowed out stone wall with only a few cats sleeping inside.

"This is the apprentices den." Stormkit exclaimed, poking his head inside. I followed his gaze, my eyes sweeping across the big exposure.

"What do you think you're doing?" A voice sounded above us, and my head quickly darted towards the cat who had spoken.

I was greeted by a strong, bold apprentice standing over me with his glossy dark gray fur sleek to his body. My eyes lurched towards Stormkit, who was scowling weakly at the apprentice.

Confused, I turned back to see the apprentices gaze soften and brighten up to see me. "You must be Clearkit, Snowfall's daughter?" He asked with a small, gentle smile gleaming on his face.

I blinked. "Yeah, that's me." I squeaked. He chuckled, his blue eyes seeming to stare into my soul. My eyes trailed down his fluffy coat, trying to get every trace of detail. He had light blue eyes that gleamed, a furry white chest with specks of gray, and his whole coat was covered in dark gray tufts. My eyes glittered in gratitude and respect.

"Who are yo-" I was cut off by an abrupt snort.

"That's Sparrowpaw." I heard Stormkit mumble. My eyes rested on my friend's sleek gray fur, and noticed his usual soft brown eyes were lit like blazing flames.

"Why do you sound so annoyed?" I questioned irritably. "He's just introducing himself. No harm in that, right?" I added. Stormkit rolled his eyes, making Reedkit take a step forward.

"Honestly?" Stormkit's brother muttered, obviously irritated by this unnecessary attitude. He started whispering quiet scolds in Stormkit's ear, making the gray kit have a guilty look paint over the one before it.

"Sorry." He murmured under his breath, shuffling his paws. I rolled my eyes and looked back up at the apprentice, who was staring at all five of us with complete and utter confusion.

"Our apologies." Dustkit blustered, his eyes narrowed. "These mousebrains don't give a foxdung!" He hissed, giving me a cold stare. I curled my lip at his language. He was only just a kit!

Sparrowpaw was taken aback by his remark, and scoffed silently, glaring at the brown kit with meaningful shock. "You shouldn't say such things like that. You're not even six moons old yet." He muttered, and at once he flipped around, stalking away, his fluffy tail wagging in annoyance.

I watched him go, but then realized he had stopped and turned back around to face me. "My name is Sparrowpaw, by the way. It was good finally meeting you." Then, he vanished inside his den.

I spat and whacked my brother, trying to give him a nasty scratch, but my paws were too small to produce those razor sharp blades that most warriors were gifted with.

Dustkit snarled and tried snagging my shoulder, till I felt the weight of the brown kit pushed off of me by a much stronger tom.

"Stop!" Sandpatch snarled, his eyes burning green flames. I flattened my ears in embarrassment. He stared at me furiously. "Start acting like a warrior, Clearkit, or that tom will never want a friend like you!" He growled, his muzzle only a whisker away from my face. I trailed my eyes to my paws.

"I only just met him and I just wanted to look like a good influence on the Clan." I whispered silently, my head bowed in shame.

My father snorted. "Well your sure not achieving your goal. I have no choice but to go and report your behavior to Flamestar." He acknowledged before stalking away without another word.

The quickness of my father's scold made me sniffle. My eyes were round with despair.

Why would my father do that? He's supposed to support and help me, not go against me!

Being the small and innocent kit I was, I darted back towards the nursery in a flash, my eyes glistening with tears as the disrespect towards me over-washed me.

As I entered the nursery, my mind had blanked on the camp tour, and I did not wish to be put in the spotlight like that again.

(Hey Batcats!
First chapter y'all.
Y'all. First time typed that and possibly the last.
Anyways I hope your enjoying the story so far!
It's not much, but hopefully it introduces most of the characters!
I've finished editing this chapter!
Anyways thanks for reading, commenting, sharing, and voting for this story!
It means a lot to me!
Peace ✌🏼️

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now