Chapter 23

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"How do you know what a kittypet is? That's only Clan language!" Sunpetal hissed, her lip drawn back in a defensive and suspicious snarl.

I glanced over at the ginger she-cat unfazed about her words until I realized that Sydney did say kittypet.

Most of the twoleg cats FlameClan had encountered wouldn't know what 'kittypet' meant and we would just dismiss it and forget about it... But for some reason lots of us remembered the fact that the majority of kittypets knew their reference name.

Sydney seemed to shy away, noticing her mistake at mentioning the Clan word.

"How do you know what it means?" Sunpetal repeated more gently, trying not to nerve the she-cat so she would gain the courage to speak.

Noticing Sunpetal's tender tone, Sydney glanced around awkwardly, trying to dodge each and everyone one of our stares.

I could feel the weight underneath me wriggle more, and I suddenly remembered Dying Soul was trapped under the depths of my eager paws. I scowled at him, tightening my grip.

"I- Well... I was once a Clan cat... I'm Flamest- I, uh..." She trailed off as she stared into Dying Soul's threatening gaze.

I noticed her flinch in fear, and I glanced down at the gray tom, his eyes burning into her white pelt like daggers.

I growled and shoved him deeper into the dirt, making him exhale a ragged breath as I knocked the wind out of him, making his head turn to the side.

I nodded in triumph, glancing back over at Sydney who seemed to have collected herself together more, noticing the fact that we were trying to dodge the sense of her becoming injured.

"Go on." Applefall urged, kneading the ground eagerly as if he was watching an intense battle.

"Okay." She gave a sharp sigh, before continuing. "I'm Flamestar's sister. You heard me right. His sister. I'm here to..." She stopped, having a thinking face on, and I felt like she was about to lie.

"I came here to try and meet with him, until this foxheart tried to attack me!" She finished, only letting a moment of silence spread within her pause, and I noticed that no one else didn't seem to have been bothered by that.

I turned my gaze towards Dying Soul, and I could feel awkward glances coming towards my way as they realized I was not surprised by the news like everyone else was.

I ignored them, dismissing the tension bubbling inside me and asking the gray tom a quiet question, "why did you attack her?"

Dying Soul shrieked and wriggled underneath me, and he almost knocked me off my paws if it wasn't for Stormstrike racing over to help me hold him down.

I scoffed, feeling annoyance and anger bubble up inside me. "Tell me, fleabag!"

My words seemed to have clawed him in the face, as he became silent, which made a small, faint smirk form on my lips, but it quickly vanished.

As he stayed silent, I realized that he was trying to take the easy way out of escaping. I snorted in my head. Yeah, no.

I placed my unsheathed claws on his neck fur, giving him a warning glare.

I guess I convinced him I was actually going to slit his throat, for he gulped nervously. "Okay, I'll talk."

My eyes glowed triumphantly, and we waited a couple moments before he started to speak once again.

Dying Soul glanced at Sydney for a split second, and it seemed as if they were having a small connection before it was gone within the second. He quickly turned back towards me, and I gave him a stern glance.

"As she may have told you, she's Flamestar's sister. I hate Flamestar, and he hates me. I was one of Dog Bone's best friends, as well as Redeye. We were like a group. We were unstoppable. Until he killed Dog Bone... And until SHE killed Redeye!" He snarled, eyes blazing.

The "he" part totally flew right by me, and I stared directly at Sydney as she seemed as stunned as the rest of the cats around me.

Sydney is the killer? But how? She's a kittypet!

Sydney flared her nostrils angrily, and lunged at the dark tom. "Why did you tell them? I was just doing what I was instructed to do! You traitor!" She clawed at his ears, and I noticed Stormstrike desperately trying to break the fight, and I snapped out of my thoughts, struggling to help him.

At last, after a few claw scratches and bites were shared, we managed to tear the two apart. Sydney was still thrashing furiously, screeching in fury. Dying Soul was huddled up, his fur bristling and his eyes wide. He was bleeding from his leg, however it wasn't badly cut.

Who knew a kittypet was capable of such things.

I pushed the thought away as I knew there were more important things to discuss. "Why did you kill Redeye, and most of all, who instructed you to do such a thing?" Vipertooth asked bitterly, a sense of warmness in his tone so she wouldn't fear of talking.

Sydney shuffled her paws nervously, her eyes grazing the grit that caked the dirt floor.

She stayed silent, and I guess we all assumed it would take more than just a warm-hearted smile to get her to talk again.

"Come on, Sydney. If you were threatened by someone to do so, we won't blame you. Just tell us who told you to kill him." Deerpath murmured, a slight grumble rasping in her voice.

Sparrowdusk gave her a stern glare, as to say that he was giving her a warning glance on not to note the annoyance.

Dying Soul started to thrash again, anger surfacing through his pelt as he started to groan and huff furiously. "You won't blame her?! She killed my best friend for no reason!" He snarled, gazing harshly at Deerpath.

Sydney curled her lip. "Just shut up!" She howled.

We all went silent, taken aback by her strong choice of words.

"I can't tell you who instructed me. I can't. Because... They're... They're dead!" Sydney stuttered, her voice shaking.

We noticed that she started to back up, however Vipertooth, Sparrowdusk, Applefall, Reedwater, Duststorm, and Sunpetal stopped her, forming a huddle around her.

Sydney sneered angrily. "You think you can get away so easily, hm?" She growled. "Not a chance."

And with that, she shoved Sunpetal and Applefall to the ground with an unbelievable amount of force, and raced away with long strides, vanishing among the depths of the thick ferns and branches of the forest.

We all seemed stunned at how strong she was, before we actually realized she got away.

Vipertooth and Reedwater shrieked and bursted after her, however a moment later they came back with bowed heads.

"Her scent isn't anywhere." Reedwater exclaimed defeatedly.

I snorted. "Probably because it's so wet outside from the slight drizzle of water earlier."

Duststorm lashed out on the ground frustratedly. "Foxdung! How could she have got away so easily?"

Dying Soul was staring at the ground blankly, not daring to talk, but we all seemed to ignore him.

All I could think about was who Sydney was talking about, and most of all, who was dead.

(Hey Batcats!
I didn't update on Friday because I was busy, so oh well xD
Sorry that I posted the chapter before, I didn't mean to. It didn't load last time so I had to delete and now I'm republishing.
We're already so close to 800 votes and 8k reads!!!! Yay!
Hope you enjoyed the chapter, thanks for voting, commenting, sharing, and most importantly reading this story!
Thanks again!
Peace ✌🏽️ ~Cleo)

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