Chapter 20

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(Holy guacamole we're already at Chapter 20???)

I stared down at the ragged tom, horror and mischief bubbling up onto my face like a wave on the ocean floor.

"You're... looking for my father." I murmured, not trying to make it sound like a question. I got off of Missing Foot in bewilderment, and glanced back at him. He was staring at me with fear.

I scowled. "Why are you looking for him?"

Missing Foot scrunched up his face and flattened his ears, and I held back a slight chuckle of how jumpy he was, but my amusement vanished after a moment.

"She said that he was bloodthirsty..." The brown tom mumbled, but then, his eyes went blank and he seemed to have regretted what he said.

"She?" I growled. "Who's she?"

Missing Foot shook his head. "I can't say! If I do she said she would slaughter me... I'm sorry..."

My eyes widened. "Slaughter? Does the same go for Dying Soul, too?"

Missing Foot nodded. "He's the more fierce tom, though, he doesn't back down without a fight. He has thicker skin than I do."

I scoffed. Yeah, I think I get that, I thought.

"Why did you join this 'Clan' of yours?" I asked after there was a moment of silence blessing the air.

"I joined my leaders Clan because I was lonely and I wanted to help. Only a few cats have joined, and I'm pretty sure one from FlameClan has." He explained, then bowed his head. "I've said too much, I'm sorry, but I can say no more, and I must be going, they're waiting for me." He whispered, then looked around warily, as if he were expecting for something to strike at him.

I could feel my muscles tense and my legs become stiff with shock. My eyes were glazed with surprise and confusion as he explained to me that one of our own joined the one who is fierce and violent. "What does this cat look like?"

Missing Foot swished his tail impatiently. "I can't say what my leader looks like, nor describe the cats who have joined our group."

I growled angrily. "Tell me!"

Missing Foot tensed at my harsh tone. "I can't! Don't you see? We're all in danger of dying!" He shouted, backing up surprisingly quick.

"No." I hissed. "I'm not letting you leave without taking you back to camp."

Missing Foot snarled. "That won't happen."

I gave a sarcastic laugh, knowing that a three legged tom couldn't outrun a young and swift apprentice, but then I felt wary.

I looked around, feeling as if eyes were boring into my head among the lush bushes, yet nothing was in sight except chasing of squirrels and the flying of birds.

I turned back to the tom, but he had already vanished. I shrieked in fury as to let some imaginary feeling take the chance of capturing one of our enemy, but I had too calm myself because now it felt like every eye in the forest were landed on me.

I soon started to pad away, continuing to quicken my pace as I felt someone was following me.

My heart was beating out of my chest and everything seemed to be happening in slow motion.

My head bobbed as I started to bound away, but I still felt the musty breath bathing my tail.

Soon I halted, expecting a large mop of fur being tumbled onto me, but nothing was there, the warm breath seemed to slowly fade, and when I turned around, nothing was in sight.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now