Chapter 6

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Staring back at Dustkit, my eyes wide, I took in a shaky breath.

"Do you know where she is?" My brother demanded, kneading the ground. I choked on my words, not knowing what to say.

What just happened?!

Turning back around, I flicked my tail in confusion. "I think..." I replied finally.
I could hear a small squeal come from him, as he bounced out the nursery. "Clearkit told me she knows where Snowfall is!" He meowed cheerfully.

I didn't have time to object, for I was too startled, plus Flamestar was already padding towards me in a hurry. "Do you know what happened?"

Looking my leader straight in the eye, I knew I couldn't tell him. I'd be putting myself in danger.

"No. But I think I know where she is." I said hesitantly, my voice squeaking.

The bold warrior gave me a sharp glare, then nodded. Padding out, he looked at his gathered Clan.

"Clearkit will lead me to where she predicts Snowfall is. Only Sandpatch will come along with us." The red tom announced, dipping his head to the ginger warrior. Sandpatch's eyes were glinting with mischief, but he bowed his head respectfully.

I held back a wail of protest. Why him?

"Come along." Sandpatch meowed gently to me, his eyes daggers as he knew that I was hiding his secret. I gulped innocently.

Darting ahead to walk beside Flamestar, Sandpatch bordered me, his ears pricking for any whispers. Flattening my ears, I kept my head up. I pretended to be cheerful as I skipped over loose stones and tree roots.

Suddenly, an overhanging bramble caught my pelt, and squealed in pain. A silent chuckle came from Sandpatch, but Flamestar didn't seem to notice as he came to my rescue, unclipping the thorny stems. "Are you okay?" He asked me gently, and I nodded.
Sandpatch gave me a glint of annoyance. "You should watch where you're going, Clearkit. You're about to become an apprentice!" He exclaimed, a half-hearted smile spread on his face sarcastically.

I scoffed, closing into Flamestar. The red leader gave Sandpatch a warning glance, mixed with confusion at my fathers reaction.
"We should keep going." Flamestar announced, padding away from me. I bounced to be in sync with my leader, for I didn't want to be dragging behind with the dark warrior.

I glanced back to look for him, and he was giving me a death stare, and I could see his claws unsheathed. I squealed, my fur bristling at the sight. I turned around bounding in front of Flamestar to get away from his wicked gaze. Peeking my head back at him, he was calm, and sniffing the flowers. Flicking my ear, I faced the front.

That was weird.

Stalking forward, I could hear a rustling in a patch of tall grass. Oh dear StarClan, this is where we were in my dream!

"Did you hear that?" I asked, my mind wandering.

Flamestar shook his head, and I heard a chirp from Sandpatch stating he didn't. A yowl split the air, and I stiffened, frozen to the ground. Flamestar and Sandpatch didn't seem to notice, for they kept walking. Confusion washed my mind. The air was still and the birds were still singing.

"What about that?" I meowed shakily.

"Clearkit, stop tricking us." Flamestar insisted. "Now, where do you think she is?" I didn't answer.

"Clearkit!" Sandpatch hissed, tail lashing. "Don't ignore your leader."

I was silent. "Shh.." A voice whispered. My fur rose.
"Clearkit, what's gotten into you?" Flamestar meowed worriedly, flicking his ear.
"I hear something!" I whispered, ears perked.

"The white bone of a dog will pierce the clearest dawn, the shadows will rise with its dark spirit, the flame will burn with a spark, the air will drift with a silent breeze, and the ice will snap with great power."

The voice was familiar, and my heart started to race as I put a face to the voice.


Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now