Chapter 19

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Flamestar stared at me, stunned and stiff. "Dog Bone... Is dead?" He stuttered, his eyes drifting off into a blank daze.

I nodded. "And the prophecy ended... And I had the same dream that I had when I was a kit..." I continued, noticing that he seemed to ignore the most important fact.

The leader shook his head. "This is impossible. How is Dog Bone dead?" He growled, scraping his claws on the stone underneath him.

I was surprised at how angry and hurt he was.

"Okay, wait, calm down." I soothed, taking a small step forward, but he instantly took one back. "No." Flamestar exclaimed, shaking his head vigorously. "This isn't happening..."

Now I was annoyed.

"Flamestar, he was a bad cat!" I growled, facing my leader with fury. He shoved his muzzle in my face daringly. "He was, but he was my brother. If you knew that you'd understand how hard it would be to loose Dustpaw." He snapped.

I was taken aback by his insulting words. Why'd he have to include Dustpaw in this?

"This has nothing to do with Dustpaw! And I knew he was your brother ever since I was a kit, Flamestar. He told you, in your face, that he killed your sister, Sydney." I snarled, my eyes deceiving.

Flamestar stumbled on his paws as I mentioned his sister. "How... Do you know Sydney?" He grunted, his eyes becoming blank.

I sighed. "I don't. I've only just heard of her in dreams."

Flamestar shook his head. "I don't understand... Wait, then how did you know Dog Bone?" He questioned quietly.

"I saw him in a dream, too. He's a white tom with blood red eyes. Scars dotted on his pelt. Doesn't look like you at all, honestly. You both have nothing in common with your coloring or personalities, if I have his distinctive looks and attitude figured out correctly." I explained.

The red leader took in a shaky breath as I described him, and he had to sit on his haunches to stop him from falling over in shock. "He doesn't look like me because we don't have the same father." Flamestar exclaimed, shaking his pelt.

"So you're half brothers...?" I asked cautiously, still not understanding how different they looked and acted, but then I bared my teeth. "How come if you're not even full brothers that you're so overprotective of him when he is a horrible, heartless and nasty cat?"

Flamestar paused at my words, letting them sink into him. I have to admit, I just threw a pretty strong blow to his face, and now I somewhat regret my words, but I stood my ground.

Finally, my leader gave a sharp exhale of breath. "You're right. I don't know why I'm so dazed about him and his death... I guess it's just shocking to know that, one, he's... Well, dead. And two, that you even knew about him."

I nodded. "I'd probably be acting the same way if I was in your situation." I meowed more calmly, letting my bristling fur lie flat. "Sorry for snapping at you, but can we please get back to the fact that the prophecy's over and that I had the dream again?"

The broad tom gave me a confused glance. "What dream?" He murmured slowly. At first I was stunned by his words for not knowing what I meant, but then I soon realized that I never mentioned this to him before.

"I had a dream when I was just a kit, it was about me practically being swallowed by waves of blood, and I couldn't escape. My mind felt tense and I felt like I was drowning... My muscles were aching and sore and I gave up.
I never understood it, and it confused me, but I swore I heard a faint bark in the most recent one, however I thought it was just imaginary so I forgot about it, but..." I exclaimed, taking in a long inhale of air to refill my lungs from all the talking.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now