Chapter 3

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My paws were getting sore from stumbling on pebbles and trying to get away from the cats that were gaining on us.

My mind was foggy, and I couldn't see where I was going, for I've never been in our territory before.

Blindly crashing into bushes and thick bramble, I tried tracking Snowfall's scent.
I could sense a fresh and familiar odder that over took my nose, making my ears perk with confidence.

Dashing through the forest, my muscles screaming and my eyes blurry, I made my way to a thick garden of tall grass.

Parting my jaws, Sandpatch's scent wafted my muzzle. I bursted through the weeds, and tried to keep my distance from the tracking warriors. The sight of gray, brown and black fur alerted me that all the kits made it safely into the nest of undergrowth.

A hiss sparked my attention. "You were so fast, I almost lost my footing seeing you run!" Reedkit retorted, licking his ruffled fur in annoyance. I noticed Stormkit was looking at me with a sense of pride, which made my fur on edge, and Dustkit and Featherkit were heaving to their paws and sniffing around.
"We need to hurry." I whispered, hearing Flamestar's yowl to spread out. "Before we get caught." Featherkit snorted.

As we made our way through the grass, the blades about a rabbit hop above us, my nose slowly stopped working as my surroundings all seemed the same, and the scent trail came to an abrupt stop, as did I.

"What's the matter?" Dustkit meowed, the fear in his voice choking out without resistance. "We can't take a moment off our paws!" I lifted my tail for him to stay quiet, for I heard squirming up ahead. Pointing me ears in the direction, I stalked forwards towards the noise.
"Stay back." I snarled at them, anxiety washing over me as my pelt bristled in a sense of nervousness.

A patch of grass was in front of me, and somehow my pelt blended into the leaf-green blades.

Peering out of my spot, I could see a flash of white fur, stained in blood.
I choked, my yowl of despair not seeming to come out.

I closed my eyes. Snowfalls dead. I thought, apprehension overwhelming me as I softly sobbed.

After a few moments, I glanced back at the kits, who were muttering remarks and not seeming to pay attention.
I couldn't tell them. Not yet.

Slowly stepping out into the open, I saw another body with a blood-stained ginger pelt. Anger made my lip curl. My father did this!
Shuffling back to safety, I made my way around to get a better view.

Sticking my muzzle out, the fresh scent of blood made me gag.

My eyes peered around, till they landed on Sandpatch.

His head was drooped over Snowfalls bloody body, and I could hear the faint sobs coming from him.

Confusion made my eyes blur. If he did this, why would he be so sad?

As I stuck my head farther out, I could get a good glimpse of my mothers body.
Gasping silently at the sight, I shut my eyes and darted back to the kits, not noticing that I made a rustle.

The image of Snowfall kept flashing through my mind. The blood splotched on her silky fur, and her blue eyes staring blankly at nothing.
As I came to the kits, I choked on my words.
Dustkit stood up. "What happened?" He demanded, and a heartbeat later Featherkit was at his side.

"Snowfall..." I sobbed, bowing my head. "Snowfall's dead." I whispered.
Featherkit was silent, but Dustkit started snarling in despair. "How?" He screeched, clawing the dirt. "Did Sandpatch do this?"
Unsure of what to say, I looked over at Featherkit. Her eyes were slowly drifting into a blank expression of sadness that seemed to overwhelm her. I frowned.

Thinking of what to say, and remembering my fathers shaken body draped over my mother, I don't believe he did. But the blood...
I couldn't tell. My mother wouldn't want that. She knows he'd come after me if I did.

Gaining the confidence, I stared at all four kits with a determined expression.
"No." I said. "He didn't."

Stormkit and Reedkit were shocked, and their eyes were dull with despair.
"We should probably take back her body..." Featherkit managed to say. I nodded.
Please tell me Sandpatch left by now...

As we all made our way to Snowfalls body, the silence was thickening in the air in the worst way.
When I reached the grass, my eyes widened in shock.

Nothing was there. Snowfalls body was gone, and so was Sandpatch. The blood had disappeared.

Where'd it all go?

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now