Authors Note (2)

3.5K 196 40

Hey Batcats.

So I'm probably going to update more frequently due to my excitement of finishing this story, as well as yours.

My regular schedule updates will now be:

-Sunday (Usual)
-Wednesday (Usual)
-Friday (New)

This will most likely help me keep up my writing as well as finish the book sooner.

However, if I feel madly stressed with school I won't update on Friday, but the usual days.
I'll try and fit Friday in.

Then I'll go back to writing Sweetleaf's Fate.

I will probably not create a second book, considering that this book would be much more advanced... The second book would be like regular warrior fan fictions (no offense... There are some awesome ones but the majority is like prophecies and battles and all that).

I don't know, I'll make up my mind by the time this story ends.

Thanks for the support and 700 VOTES!

(This will probably not happen) but if this story reached 1k votes...

I would... Omg I would...

I have no idea but I would defiantly freak out.

But that's 300 votes away so I shouldn't get my hopes up XD I'm already super happy with more than 700 votes.

Anyways, I also have questions for you.

1. Do you think this fanfiction could be submitted to the Watty's or is it copyright by Warriors?

2. Should I post a fun facts at the end of this story?



Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now