Chapter 5

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(A/N: Who ships Stormkit and Clearkit, or Reedkit and Clearkit? ._. Just wondering...)

Darting back towards Stormkit, my ginger and white fur sticking up in fear, I hid behind him with wide eyes.

"Clearkit, what is it?" Dustkit hissed, his voice ringing with a sense of puzzlement. My mind was racing with thoughts, the one of my mother and Dog Bone clinging on like a claw to the flesh.

"Clearkit!" Reedkit growled, his black pelt bristling with confusion and worry. "What happened?"

I stared at all the kits, my eyes rounded with grief. "Did you hear them?" I asked, my eyes flickering to every one of them.

"No." Featherkit replied, her claws digging into the soil in anticipation. "What did they say?"
"Dog Bone is Flamestar's brother!" I shrieked, my eyes round with shock. "His sister is in danger, injured for the most part."

"How do you know?" Featherkit asked, her round gaze pleading.
"That mangy loner said so!" I hissed, my tail sticking straight up.
"Well what do we do?" Stormkit asked, face drooping with overwhelmed fear. Reedkit shrugged, facing all of us.

Before I could interpret, a loud screech rang through the forest, birds chirping frantically.
"Wake up!" Flamestar yowled, bursting through the grass. Confusion clouded my face. What?

Looking around at my companions, they didn't budge. Their heads turned to me, eyes dazed with a sense of insecurity. "Wake up!"
"What are you talking about?" I yowled, fear clinging to my pelt and not letting go. "Clearkit, wake up, Snowfalls gone!"

My eyes bursted open, as I scrambled to my paws, sleep fogging around my eyes. That was all a dream? Is Snowfall alive?
Turning my head to look for her, all I could see was empty nests with the stale smell of Snowfall, Featherkit, Stormkit, Dustkit, and Reedkit.

"Hello?" I asked hesitantly, and after a heartbeat something burst through the ferns. "You're up! Finally! Come on, Snowfall's gone!"
"What are you talking about?" I asked, my eyes blurred.

"Snowfall's gone!" Dustkit repeated, his gaze scanning his surroundings. "We need to find her!"

"Why are you so frantic? She could've just gone out to get some fresh air." I meowed reassuringly. He shook his head. "You don't understand." He muttered.

"What don't I understand?" I growled, eyes daggers. He looked at me with the scent of fear and grief.

"Flamestar reported he smelled a fresh scent of blood. And something he won't admit to the Clan. He's hiding something, Clearkit. Someone killed our mother, and he knows who." His eyes were clouding with grief and hate. Shocked, I stumbled past him.

Did I just dream the future?

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now