Chapter 21

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I padded into camp, my eyes angry and sorrowful as I replayed the image of Redeye's body in my mind, making it quickly bring back the memory of Snowfall's dead, rotting body.

I witnessed so many deaths already... Who was that cat that killed Redeye...? And most of all, who is the actual killer? I wondered anxiously, bowing my head sadly.

All of a sudden, cheers exploded through out the camp and I confusedly glanced up to see all eyes were landed on me.

Flamestar was atop of the Pointed Ledge, his eyes shining, along with Featherpaw, Reedpaw, Dustpaw, Sparrowpaw, Applepaw, and Stormpaw.

I started too slowly pad forward, the cats parting to let me through.

"What's happening?" I asked quietly, looking around in awe as to how many cats were technically treating me like a leader.

"Your warrior ceremony!" Jumpingjay cheered, making the Clan quickly follow, erupting with roars of excitement.

Suddenly I noticed that Sunpaw, Deerpaw and Viperpaw were all gathering around and padding their way towards the Pointed Ledge.

I could feel my mouth start to drop as I stared at the group of apprentices joined atop of the ledge.

"All of us?" I asked in shock. Slight chuckles echoed through out the Clans, but I stayed silent.

Why all of us when some of them have been apprentices longer? I wondered confusedly, but soon it was dismissed and was immediately replaced with excitement of the realization of me becoming a warrior.

Finally! I thought with pure excitement, my confusion and hesitation forgot within moments.

I quickly bounded up the Pointed Ledge, standing beside Stormpaw and giving him a warm glance.

He smiled brightly at me, before leaning in and whispering in my ear; "We've kind of been waiting for you."

I stifled a chuckle. "I can tell with all of you up here and our Clanmates anxiously waiting."

He nodded, before turning away and whispering something to Featherpaw.

Before Flamestar could speak, my mind wandered back to Redeye, and I decided to tell my leader that I witnessed, once again, another death, and that Redeye could have possibly been his forbidden, unknown brother.

Flamestar stepped forward more, his paws barely over the edge. "It's time to begin."

By now I was the last cat to receive my warrior name, and my paws itched to know what Flamestar had in mind for me.

Sunpetal, Vipertooth, Deerpath, Featherflight, Duststorm, Applefall, Stormstrike, Reedwater, and Sparrowdusk were all watching from below, their eyes wide with excitement and curiosity.

I padded towards Flamestar who glanced at me.
I heard him whisper, "Congratulations, Clearpaw," before he turned towards the large crowd gathered under the Pointed Ledge.

"And now for our final ceremony." Flamestar announced, making my breath hitch nervously. 

I felt like I had to pause my ceremony for a moment and dedicate my ceremony to Redeye, but I objected to myself because I knew I would be punished.

However, the urge to announce it made me go crazy.

As Flamestar opened his mouth, I opened mine. "Wait." I muttered.

Gasps filled the silenced air, and confused glances were shared among the Clan.

Flamestar stared at me, however he was not angry or upset. He knew me, and whenever I had to say something, he knew it was important.

"I found Redeye in our territory." I exclaimed.

Shocked remarks roared through the crowd, and I noticed Jumpingjay trying to silence them, which soon worked.

"He was killed right in front my of eyes... By a cat. I couldn't see who it was, though, and I was too stunned and frightened to check... But I just had to say, I couldn't hide that from you. You deserve to know what happened. Okay, I'm sorry, I had to announce it." I meowed, looking over at Flamestar, frightened to know what his reaction would be.

However, he was calm, making me stunned.

Why was he so calm?

"That is awful." Flamestar voiced, making the Clan hush each other to listen.

"We shall sit vigil for our long lost friend, and praise his hard work and effort for helping us through thick and thin." He announced, raising his head.

Quiet murmurs were shared among each other, but the majority of the gathered cats stayed silent.

"Let's move on." Flamestar meowed, his voice cracking awkwardly.

Confused glances were exchanged once again, and I included was startled at how quick he passed this on.

Why did he just dismiss this like that? Shouldn't he care? I thought he was close to Redeye...  I wondered inwardly.

Flamestar ignored the stares boring into him, and turned back towards me. I noticed an unreadable expression was written on his face, making me wary.

"I, Flamestar, leader of FlameClan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. She has trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend her to you as a warrior in her turn. Clearpaw, do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" Flamestar asked, his unusual side suppressing.

I nodded, giving a firm and straight answer. "I do."

Flamestar gave me a small smile. "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. Clearpaw, from this moment on you shall be known as Cleardawn. StarClan honors your commitment and courageous spirit, and we welcome you as a full member of FlameClan."

Cheers exploded through out the camp, calling all of our names at once, and then repeating it.

Flamestar rested his head on mine, and I licked his shoulder in return.

I removed my head and bounded down the rocky ledge, bouncing off of it and congratulating my companions, them returning the favor.

"You shall all sit vigil tonight." Flamestar added. We nodded in unison.

I started to pad away, looking around for Sandpatch to see if he was at least proud of his kits, but he didn't seem to be in sight.

I sighed frustratedly and sadly, wishing my father cared about me and my litter mates.

But I guess fate decides.

As I padded away,  I could suddenly feel the hard stare of Sandpatch burning my back, making me sigh inwardly for him, making me surprised that I cared for him, but I guess I understood.

I would be grief-stricken, quiet and distant as well.

Because I knew exactly why he was quiet, one was because he (I guess) really didn't care, and two...

Redeye was his best friend.

(Hey Batcats! Yay I updated on the right day!
Celebration Time come on! *Party City commercial plays* HEY! *swats it away*
So I saw a lot of your comments, and I love how committed and intrigued you are with this story!
I love to read your conversations, so keep it up because I literally like jump with joy when someone comments.
And we're also so close to 7k reads! Holy cow!
Anyways, hope you enjoyed Chapter 21! Wait a minute...? 21?
21?!?! So close to the end :(
Anyways, when the book ends, I'll post some fun facts and an epilogue. :D
Thanks for voting, commenting, sharing, and reading this story!
I appreciate it!
Peace ✌🏽️~Cleo)

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