Chapter 29

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(Sorry that the cat in the picture has a leash. It was the closest pic I could find for Goldensun.)

Flamestar breathed in a heavy gust of air as we padded side by side, paw-steps moving in unison.

"I'm glad Sandpatch admitted his feelings to you." He acknowledged, staring down at me.

"Did you know that he really felt this way? That he just wanted to protect us?" I asked quietly, not bothering to return his gaze.

Flamestar sighed, his ears flicking as he stared back at the dust caked trail. "No. Ever since your mother went missing, Sandpatch and I haven't talked much."

"I have a question." I meowed, my tail trailing behind me as its energy seemed to drain out.

"Seems like you've already been asking some, so shoot."

I ignored the teasing beginning of his ongoing sentence and swiped my tongue over my whiskers. "What makes me remind you of Cleardusk?"

My question seemed to have startled him, for he halted, making the wave of cats behind us pause as well.

"What?" I asked nervously, nudging him with my tail for him to keep walking as I felt the curious eyes peeking at us.

He shook his head, and continued to walk, however with unsteady movements. "How do you know about my mother?"

I glanced at him, and saw his eyes were distant. "Sydney told me about her..."

I noticed his lip starting to curl in the beginning of a snarl.

"Flamestar." I whispered, concern and a slight bit of anger in my eyes, "why haven't you also told me that all along Sydney was your daughter?"

He bowed his head when I finished, and I could see the shame in his eyes for lying to me. "I was trying to protect you."

I sneered. "I think some cats should realize that I can protect myself. I don't need others to rely on. Plus, how is that even protecting me?"

"I was scared." He started. "She killed my mother, and you've always reminded me of her, and I didn't want to experience something like that again with someone I love."

"Is that why I was your apprentice?" I whispered, staring at my paws blankly.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw him nod. "So I would know everyday you would be safe."

I glanced up again. "What are you saying, Flamestar?"

For a moment I thought he wasn't going to respond, for he kept his gaze on the trail ahead, until finally he spoke. "You know why."

I sighed, nodding. I did know. After all, the whole argument with Sydney practically revealed what Flamestar felt for me.

"But I know you'll never feel the same way." He meowed silently, his eyes sorrowful.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. "I think of you more as a father figure than as a mate."

He sighed. "I understand."

Our conversation ended on that, and the awkwardness seemed to glimmer like fresh dew on a leaf.

Another few moments passed until the camp entrance was at view with the sign of curious heads poking above the bramble thicket surrounding the barrier of camp.

Deciding to end the cloud of tension, I bounced forward, abandoning the cats that trailed behind Flamestar.

Greetings were thrown my way as I passed through, my eyes glimmering.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now