Chapter 30

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"Sparrowdusk..." I started in a soft tone, not sure what else to say.

"It's okay. You don't have to tell me right away." He reassured.

I sighed in relief, giving him a small smile.

I was thankful for him letting me take my time. This decision would effect me for the rest of my life, and I'm still confused on how I feel.

Apart of me that has heart-felt feelings for Stormstrike, yet I do have a part of me who is deeply considerate and appreciative of Sparrowdusk.

As we sat in silence, I could hear the rustling of the trees above, the wind starting to whisper a warning that a storm was emerging.

I got to my paws, not wanting to get wet from the upcoming rain, and flicked my tail in farewell to Sparrowdusk as I padded towards the warriors den.

I slouched down in my nest, waiting arrival of the crackling of thunder and the blaze of lightning.

It soon approached just a few moments after I got comfortable in my bedding.

I watched in wonder as my Clan-mates started to scurry to their dens, the rain already soaking their fur before they even arrived in their nest.

I saw Sparrowdusk bounding towards the many warriors already around me, and he slid inside skillfully, shaking his rained pelt and giving me a sheepish grin.

I nudged him, my whiskers twitching in amusement as droplets of rain dripped from his head fur into his dark blue eyes.

He turned and flicked my nose teasingly before padding towards his nest, shaking his pelt one last time before circling his bedding and curling into a heap of wet fur.

I smiled at him, wondering what it would be like to become a mate to a cat, and to maybe even be a mother of kits.

My mind settled on the thought of bearing kits, and for a moment I felt my heart tear in fear of ever experiencing the pain that Swiftbird had when she gave birth to Bumblekit and Larchkit, until I realized how happy the queen looked, and how strong and bold her two kits have become, which made me feel confident. The lingering thought made me give a slight purr as I imagined my future kits, warm and snug in the nursery, then soon becoming noble and loyal warriors.

I curled up, the thought still planted in my mind as I wrapped my tail around my nose and tried to fall asleep, but it wouldn't come.

I mumbled to myself, trying to think about something soft that made me feel even more joy so I could feel relaxed, yet I still wouldn't grant myself sleep.

I clawed at my moss bedding, annoyed that I wasn't tired.

I got to my paws, sweeping my eyes back and forth to see some cats sharing tongues within their nest.

I faced the entrance to the den, squinted my eyes and looked afar, noticing some cats were in the rain, challenging themselves for patrols and to even upgrade dens.

My thoughts hovered over how Dying Soul, my mother and Sydney were doing, and I felt the sudden urge to go and check up on them.

I gave one last glance at the warm warriors den before bounding outside into the heavy storm.

The rain splattered my pelt, chilling my bones as it felt like ice was being poured into my blood.

I flattened my ears against my head with my eyes strained to keep open as I slithered towards the almost invisible prisoners den.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now