Chapter 24

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We returned to camp awhile after, sluggishly pedaling through the shadows of the deep green forest.

Before we left to head back, we kept on trekking, following any sign of a scent that connected to Sydney.

However we stopped when it started to downpour, and gave up on searching for her. The scent was already very faint, so it would defiantly be washed away by dawn.

As Vipertooth and Duststorm hauled Dying Soul into camp, the dark tom wriggling fiercely and spitting and hissing angrily.

The noise shattered the gloomy silence of the night, and I could see the glowing eyes of my Clanmates poking their head out of their dens.

I growled and swatted at Dying Soul, annoyed that he woke up some of the Clan up.

It was still dark, but the humid air was spilling onto me with the fresh smell of dew spotting the leaves that signaled the beginning of dawn.

Sleepy murmurs whispered through out the awaken cats, and they curiously padded out of hiding, sniffing the rogue.

In return, Dying Soul tried to snap at them, but he failed due to the blow on his face by Duststorm who gave him a warning scowl.

We dragged him down the dark path towards Flamestar's den, cats forming a single file line to let us through as they watched with fear dazzling their eyes, some sparked with interest.

I was in the lead, alongside Featherflight as we maneuvered up the rocks leading towards Flamestar's den, Duststorm and Vipertooth struggling to guide Dying Soul up the boulders behind us with the help from Reedwater and Sunpetal.

As Featherflight and I made it to the final flight of steps, we turned and watched as now all the other new warriors were forcing Dying Soul to crawl up the rocks, until finally they managed to settle the gray tom on the cold stone ledge.

Nodding in approval to my companions, I padded into the darkness of Flamestar's den, abandoning Featherflight and calling out a quiet whisper, asking if he was awake.

I could hear rustling from within the shadows, and I knew that I had awoken my leader. Giving a small apology, I strolled fully into the blackness, and only the gleam from the setting moon gave light to his fierce red pelt.

"Cleardawn, what are you doing in my den so early in the morning?" Flamestar retorted, his words slurring, telling me that I really did wake him.

I dipped my head respectfully, guilt transporting itself into my stomach, but I pushed it away and looked back up at him. "Sorry to disturb you, Flamestar, but earlier this morning we spotted an unfamiliar scent and tracked down two cats. However, one had gotten away, but we managed to capture a ragged tom and bring him back into the paws of our Clan." I explained, trying to sound as patient and mature as possible.

I guess my words had convinced Flamestar, for his eyes shown with gratitude as he respected my warrior-like words, and his sleepiness seemed to slowly fade into a well-collected seriousness. "Who is this tom?"

I slightly shifted my head so it was facing towards the waiting cats, and the flicker of light beaming down from the moon showed my face, and all ears and eyes were pointed my way.

I signaled with my tail for them to bring in Dying Soul, and they obeyed in silence. Sunpetal and Reedwater maneuvered the tom inside the depths of the shadows, quickly bowing their heads before dismissing themselves back into the shadowy light of camp.

Dying Soul grumbled and tried to get to his paws, but I shoved him down with my paw, his aching muscles sore from fighting back, and his bones weak from all the force brought onto him.

Flamestar sniffed the dark gray tom's pelt, obviously not being able to see him well through the darkness, and poked him with a paw.

I stared at him in confusion, my eyes adjusting to the shadows quicker then I expected, and he bent his head down to lick Dying Soul's musty and matted fur.

I cringed in disgust, disturbed by how he didn't seem to regurgitate due to the thick amount of mud and rain soaked into his pelt.

Flamestar licked his whiskers, his gaze shielded with full concentration as he tasted his scent.

I noticed his green eyes widen in surprise, and I suppose he abandoned me to examine the tom more clearly.

"How come you have rogue scent?" Flamestar insisted, breaking the silence that echoed through the den.

I flinched at his voice, knowing well enough that he was agitated considering all the mistakes I had made when I was an apprentice, and how firm and strict his voice was.

We both waited for a response, but we were gifted with a still silence, so still I could hear my heart beating, until suddenly a loud bang shot through the den, and I jumped slightly in surprise.

Flamestar's paw was firmly placed at Dying Soul's rested muzzle, and I assumed he had slammed it warningly at the tom.

I noticed his claws were outstretched and he was baring his teeth angrily. I've never seen Flamestar like this before, and it concerned me on how frightened and fearsome he was acting.

"Flamestar y-" I was cut off by a fierce snap. "Don't tell me what to do! This tom knows very well on who these unfamiliar cat scents are and I need him to speak up!" He snarled, giving me a warning glint.

I stiffened at his intensity, and decided to stay completely silent for the rest of the conversation.

Flamestar seemed to have lost his temper as Dying Soul still didn't answer, for he clawed at his ears, making the rogue give a warning growl, but it didn't mind Flamestar for he kept whacking.

At last, after his ears start to bleed and skin peeled away, Dying Soul pulled away and acknowledged Flamestar's question.

"I'll talk, just, stop." The gray tom pleaded, staring at his paws as if he was still worried about spilling what he knew.

"I'm working for someone. I'm working for a white cat..." He hesitated, and I could see in his eyes he was uneasy about his decision to announce who has been setting us up this entire time.

"Her name is Sydney."

(Hey Batcats!
Well, what a plot twist, am I right?
I hope you enjoy this chapter and thanks for letting me reach 8k reads and 800 votes! I've been checking on how many reads each chapter gets and it's like at least 100, but the allegiances are at 930 reads! So close to 1k ON ONE PART? WOAH!!
That's a lot!
Thank you!!!
Think we can make it to 10k and 1k votes by the time I finish this book?
That would be such an honor... I'm not kidding.
Anyways, thanks for reading, voting, commenting, and sharing this story!
I appreciate it!
Peace ✌🏽️

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now