Chapter 32

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We managed to escape the terrifying chaos of the collapse of the wall safely, but I stood in front of Fourledges as more cats passed me in a fright. My mouth was open in an effort to scent out Flamestar, but nothing came.

I could feel the fear of losing someone who I looked up to build up on me, and I sent a silent prayer to StarClan that he was alright...

Once I realized no one else was passing by me, I turned to stare behind me to find the outlines of fleeing cats, and Stormstrike staring at me with understanding.

"I'm going in there. I need to see if he's alive. The rocks have stopped falling... I'll be careful. I promise." I exclaimed, my eyes filled with worry and fear.

Stormstrike nodded before assembling with the rest of FlameClan in the shadows of the forest as they waited for their leader.

I turned slowly, seeing the slight glint of the moon appear as the clouds unraveled, letting the moon's light glimmer on the forest.

I slowly approached the demolished Fourledges, shocked at how easily the wall collapsed, yet not surprised.

I don't blame StarClan for being angry with Flamestar. To address his anger towards them in front of all the Clans would make me pretty annoyed as well, but I believe that didn't give them any right to collapse the wall and kill assumably a pawful of cats... If that's what they intended to do.

I carefully placed my paw on a shifting rock, taking in a sharp breath as I stared into a large, dark hole clouded with rubble and dust.

I cringed as I felt the stone scraping against my pad, but I quickly ignored it and leapt down into the pit of black.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness and I found many cats laying motionless, their dark eyes staring blankly into the distance and their pelts cold...

I dodged crumbling stones and swerved my way through the bodies, my heart sinking as I recognized the faces of Fawnfrost, Doveflight, Fallenheart, Lionclaw... And...


I rushed over to the weeping toms side, his head bent in sorrow and his leg smashed underneath a rock. "Flamestar! Thank Sta-!"

"Don't even say their name." The red tom snapped, his ears flat against his head as if he were trying to block out the silence.

His fur was dusty and matted, sticky with dirt and covered in pebble dust.

I gazed at him fearfully and sadly as he struggled to remove his leg, his face grimacing in pain.

I was in shock at the moment, and I didn't process the fact that I should be helping my leader, but Flamestar didn't seem to care about himself.

He slowly looked up at me and stared at me with grief as wet tears streamed down his face, following the path of old tears. "This is what they do to me and innocent cats." He whimpered.

I slowly crept towards him, careful to not bother him as I slowly shifted the rock away from his leg.

A large gash dipped into his flesh, but Flamestar took no notice of his injury as he stared blankly into the darkness.

I could feel my heart tear in two as he slowly got to his paws and dipped his head to every fallen warrior he passed, giving silent thank you's to FlameClan's deceased.

I followed him, my tail slithering behind me to create a narrow dip in the sand behind me as I swerved through out the rocks and cats.

I emerged into the moonlight once again, breathing in the fresh air that hit me with a wave.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now