Chapter 31

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(Please read Authors Note 7!)

It was the night before the Gathering, and beneath my fur I could still feel the silent rage bubbling inside of me from Flamestar's final decision.

I heard a yowl come echoing down from The Pointed Ledge, signaling that my leader was trying to gather his Clan's attention.

I shuffled outside, my smile flattened and serious, stomped on by all the annoyance, sadness and anger I have been experiencing lately.

I lay beside my new mate, tucking my paws underneath my chest and gazing up at the cold sky.

He curled his tail over my back, pulling me closer to his presence and rubbing his cheek against mine.

I didn't bother to give a silent greeting, I was too troubled to care.

Thankfully, Sparrowdusk didn't sense my annoyance, for he gazed brightly up at the flaming red tom atop the ledge as if nothing was wrong.

I glanced around the demolished camp and noticed many of the warriors were still stunned by what had happened. Many of my Clan mates had minor wounds, not too severe for critical care, however.

I rested my gaze back on Flamestar, and I watched his stare blaze into mine.
I tensed in fear when he almost stumbled off the ledge, which was basically rubble now, until he managed to dig his claws in the crumbling rock that showered down on the warriors just below it.

Half of the ledge had been swept away by the wind, lying somewhere that was unknown to FlameClan, and for this reason it seemed as if my leader was farther away than usual.

I studied my leader cautiously, noting something seemed wrong. Flamestar's fur seemed ruffled, his eyes distance. He didn't seem like his usual self as he swept his gaze blankly across camp.

It seemed as if he was disappointed in StarClan for letting this happen, and that his faith and selflessness was drained and on the verge of being lost.

I gathered my thoughts toward the back of my mind when Flamestar started to speak in a dark tone.

"Tonight is the Gathering. As many of you may have known, and for this reason we have disobeyed StarClan, but, like I was saying, we have not gone to a Gathering ever since Snowfall disappeared. Problems erupted the day after she left and we had no choice but to cancel the Gatherings due to our excessive amount of worry, fear and struggle. Since everything seems to have calmed down, the storm gone and the cats at ease, I have finally decided that we will be going to the Gathering. I hope that StarClan understood my decision of not meeting with the Clans and that both my ancestors and the Clans carry on to respect me..." He slowly trailed off and it seemed that everyone assumed that he had finished, for the Clan erupted in excited murmurs.

Flamestar flicked the tip of his tail to signal silence, which was quickly granted to him.

He scored his claws on the rumble, staring down at his Clan like he despised us.

"The cats that will be taking the journey to the Moonfalls will be me, Jumpingjay, Ashcloud, Volepaw, Fallenheart, Deerpath, Cleardawn, Stormstrike, Lionclaw, Fawnfrost, and Doveflight. That will be all for now."

Mutters of excitement and disappointment echoed over the Clan like a wave, sending it vibrating into the forest.

"One more thing. We will be leaving at moon-high to travel to the Moonfalls, which isn't long from now. Until then, do as you please." Flamestar finished, pouncing off the ledge skillfully and landing gracefully on the ground besides Jumpingjay.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now