Chapter 9

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Flamestar rushed over to the dying and rotting queen, not caring about the disgusting odor.
Grabbing her by the scruff, the white she-cat almost immediately sagged underneath the bold tom, her paws lightly brushing the dirt.
Sandpatch scurried over, helping Flamestar by going under Snowfall's hindquarters and lifting her away.

I watched in shock, seeing my mother being hurried back to camp.

Bounding after them, I raced in front of the two toms so they could know where the path lead.
As I pushed back the tall ferns and the crawling vines and branches on the path, the thumping of anxious paws against the ground made a chill run down my spine.

The camp was just fox lengths away now, Snowfall's life slowly fading away with every sharp and difficult breath.

At last, we made it to camp.

Everything seemed blurry. The thick blackberry bushes outlining the camp that always seemed to be lush and dotted with the sweet berries, seemed dull and fuzzy in my vision. The cats beneath me seemed to be blurred dots scattered around the camp.
I was dawned on my mother's horrible, dying body that I guess it made me gag and feel nausea, which caused my sight to blur.

Shaking my head vigorously, trying to clear my mind, I pounced down, not caring about the large, moss-covered boulders that were sleek with the fresh dew drops from this morning, also known as the stepping stones to enter camp.

Landing weakly on the wet moss ground, my paws wobbled slightly under the impact of my jump. Glancing above me, I could see Flamestar and Sandpatch carefully leading Snowfall into camp, one paw step after another.

I watched my mother's flank rise and fall, and I soon began to panic as it seemed to worsen and slow down.

I raced away towards the medicine cat's den, the cave crawling with vines and ivy and twigs, not noticing the growing crowd of muttering and shocked cats.

"Ashcloud! Ashcloud! Hurry! Snowfall's dying!" I shrieked. Without caring for an answer, I bolted back towards the large group of my Clan mates, their eyes wide with horror as they saw Snowfall's rotten form.

"What happened?" Poppyseed meowed, her usually flat and slick brown pelt was now fluffed up and her amber eyes gleamed in terror.

"Who did this?" Another voice shrieked, and I looked to see Goldensun huddled between Fawnfrost and Acornfall, shivering with fear and grief.

Flamestar ignored them, as well as Sandpatch, as they guided Snowfall down the last stepping stone.

Ashcloud burst out of her den, a mouthful of herbs dangling from her jaws. Reaching the deformed queen in about a heartbeat, you could even see her usual calm, bright blue eyes, darken at the sight. Dropping her herbs, she motioned for the gathering Clan to step away so she could treat my mother.

The cats hesitated at first, but soon started to back away, eyeing one another as if they were all badgers.

Ashcloud stared at Flamestar. "What in the name of StarClan happened to her?" She murmured, staring at Snowfall's rotting form.
I hissed in fear. "Just treat her already! She's dying and in pain!" Ashcloud looked at me, her gaze full of sorrow as she bowed her head in shame.

"I've never seen such a terrible death scene as so, for I know nothing on how to treat your mother, Clearkit." Ashcloud sighed, shaking her head lightly and staring at the pained Snowfall. "We need to put her out of her misery."

I stared blankly at the she-cat, and looked at my companions who had not mumbled a word. Finally, a sigh came from Sandpatch. "I think Ashcloud is right. Snowfall is too weak too survive and she's in too much pain. We best not help her now, for she'll be happier in StarClan."

I tensed when I heard a sudden screech of grief behind me, making me whirl around, and my eyes become glazed with agony.
Featherkit and Dustkit were hobbling towards us, their sobs echoing around the lush camp as they reached their dying mother, standing by me.

Featherkit dawned on me, her eyes threatening to burst tears, but she held it in, puffing out her chest and letting a shiver run down her spine. Dustkit didn't do anything. He stood there, staring at his and my mother, his expression grief-stricken.

I bowed my head, leaning towards them to give them comfort, as well for me. They didn't object. They stuck their muzzle in my neck fur, and we made a small huddled group.

"I know this is hard." I whispered, scrunching up my nose in sadness. "You don't know how hard it was and is for me to experience this."
Dustkit nodded, his dark brown fur bristling with grief, as well as Featherkit's, her gray fur spiked in overwhelmed fear and her eyes squeezed tight as a tear rolled down her wet cheek.

I moved my head away, seeing Ashcloud and Flamestar looking at me and my siblings, as well as my father.

We all nodded, knowing it would be for the best. She was dying anyway. She needed to be let go...

She needed to be put to rest.

We all gathered around, our Clan slowly huddling with us, as we watched Snowfall take her last shaky breath of life.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now