Chapter 13

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I was knocked over by a strong impact that nailed into my flank, making me skid across the sandy floor and hit into a near by tree trunk, the air breathing out of me with a rush.

A squeal of apology came from Featherpaw as she dashed over to me and helped me to my paws, and I could see Flamestar shaking his head slowly.

I sighed and bowed my head in shame as I let my tail fall limply to the sandy surface.

He flicked his tail to signal me for a private talk, and I knew he was going to say something disappointing.

I shuffled my paws when I squatted in front of Flamestar, and I heard a quiet grumble come whispering out of his mouth.

He sighed, and I could feel his strong, green gaze staring at me.

As I met his glance by lifting my head a little, my whiskers twitched in surprise as I saw his expression was nothing but care.

I gave him a confused look and he just shook his head in amusement. "Just keep trying." He whispered sternly, pretending he was giving me a lecture as the others were staring at me with intense gazes.

I growled at him. "Why are you embarrassing me?"

He snickered, but kept his eyes narrowed in a fierce way. "Because it's funny."

I gasped at how my own leader was making a joke by messing around with me. "So you're trying to bribe the others into thinking that I didn't try my best?"

Flamestar nodded, his ears pricked to hear my response.

Oh, I give him a response alright.

I ducked my head, tricking him into thinking he won my shame, but he was far from correct.

I launched myself at Flamestar without hesitation, snarling and spitting with rage at how he was trying to bribe me into thinking that I would let myself be thrown around like a weak, crippled moss ball.

I could see the red tom's eyes widen, and the horrified gasps from the cats watching us.

Swift bounds made me note that they were racing over to stop the mishap, and I could soon feel the soft flesh of Flamestar under me vanish with in a second, and a brisk breeze flowing through my bristling pelt.

Soon enough I came in contact with a bramble bush, and I could hear a bitter snarl ring through the air as the cat who knocked me over came tumbling into the thorns with me.

I hissed painfully as I could feel myself being pricked by the sharp needle-like object stabbing into my pelt and ripping out clumps of fur.

A tug at my scruff made me wriggle in objection, but I was too small and pained to actually get away.

I was peeled out of the prickly bushes and thrown onto the ground, making the thorns stab deeper into my flesh as I whimpered painfully.

Darkgaze was glaring at me with hatred for attacking Flamestar, and I could see Sparrowpaw was dotted in thorns, telling me he was the one who shoved me into those deadly pricks.

I hissed at the gray tom with annoyance, and he ignored me, turning his back to me and biting the thorns off his pelt, wincing every time one came loose.

Flamestar stalked towards me, seeming stunned at how I attacked him, for he was only trying to joke around.

I guess I went a little to far, launching at my own leader...

I sighed and bowed my head, the pain jolting through my body easily fading away as I was surging in shame and sorrow.

Flamestar acknowledged me to my paws, shaking his ruffled fur and giving me a stern look, before flicking his tail for everyone to continue their training.

I got a couple angered glances, but I ignored them and stared up at my still shocked leader.

"Flamestar..." I started, but was cutoff from him bowing his head and looking away from me, his expression pained.

"Don't." He murmured, sighing and curling his tail gingerly over his paws.

I noticed his usual bright, sparked green eyes were drained with a grayish shade, making me groan as I padded away and snapped my attention to a near by twig, flicking it with my claw to try and distract myself.

What have I done?

I didn't mean it... What if he's going to kick me out of FlameClan?

I started to panic, my chest rising and falling faster by the heartbeat.

Soon my mind was racing with thoughts that seemed to haunt me, and I flattened my ears to try and get the quiet voices out of my head.

It wasn't that bad! Maybe I'm overreacting... I thought with the slightest bit of hope, but it seemed to quickly vanish when I saw Stormpaw and Reedpaw climb out of the hole they were training in, and quickly bound over to Flamestar, noting me they've noticed his blank expression in the corner of the training area.

After a few exchanged murmurs, I could feel the cold gazes of the brothers staring me down, one a bit gentler than the other.

Right now I didn't care who felt bad for me.

I guess I deserved it for attacking my leader... And mentor.

Just for some stupid joke.

I groaned and flattened my head against the dusty ground, placing my paws above my ears as I tried to get everything cleared out of my mind.

This was all too much for a young apprentice like me.

I don't think I can handle it much longer.

As I zoned out, my eyes squeezed shut, my ears flat and my claws slightly extended, not realizing I was drawing blood to my head, I felt a slight tap on my shoulder.

I growled, removing my paws and turning a little ways away.

"I get it. I don't need another lecture." I muttered, hissing under my breath.

"That's not what I was going to give you..." The soft voice of someone I knew rang behind me.

I turned my head slightly towards the cat who was talking.

"Why do you always have to care so much about me?" I mumbled, grazing my eyes along the slender cats firm build.

"Because I like you." The tom blurted out, and his eyes widened at what he just admitted.

I didn't seem to notice, for I zoned out again. But the words did ring in my ears, and I shooed him away with my tail.

"I know that." I whispered, giving him one soft, gentle glance before looking back at the forest.

I could feel the hard gaze of the tom staring into my ginger back, feeling shyness and shock drain through my body as well as the eyes looking at me.

But I really didn't.

I didn't know he did.

Why is so much happening?

Dear StarClan I'm not that attractive! I thought, holding back a dramatic groan.

First my mother dies, now I'm in a prophecy, I attacked my own leader and mentor, and now Stormpaw likes me.

What a life I have.

(A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I tried to make this chapter a little bit more interesting and long, and I hope you like it so far!)

(Tell me who you ship in the comments too;








I know. It's a lot. But hey there can be a lot of ships going! Remember to vote and comment! If you get this chance also share this with a friend! Also I have an urge to make Dustpaw homosexual. What do you think?)

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now