Chapter 11

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The wailing of a cat shattered my peaceful sleep in the new, weaved bramble and twig apprentice den.

My head shot up, and I sleepily glared out of the bramble thicket that I know call my new nest.

My eyes were glazed with tiredness, but I kept hearing soft groans coming from the nursery.

Suddenly, the moans seemed recognizable, and I slowly got to my paws and bounded towards it clumsily.

Poking my head inside, I could see Swiftbird (A/N: I changed Palebird to Swiftbird since Palebird is a cat in the books) wriggling in her nest as the silent noises came rushing from her cringed mouth.

My eyes widened as I saw her stomach ripple and her eyes squeeze shut, and I knew exactly what was happening.

She was giving birth.

Racing out, I dashed into the medicine cats den and called Ashcloud.

It was before dawn, and an eery silence crossed the Clan as quiet snores echoed through out it. The sun was a claw-scratch above the ground, and it was still dark.

I could hear a grunt from the dark gray she-cat, alerting me that I had awaken her from a good nights rest.

I muttered an apologetic mumble, and she flicked her tail.

"Swiftbird is giving birth." I whispered urgently, my ears twitching in the swift breeze of day. Ashcloud's eyes immediately started to adjust to limited light, and she quickly shuffled through her herbs and hurriedly grabbed a stick.

Without stating another word, she swiftly bounded towards the nursery, and I assumed she could hear the groans coming from the queen for she started to sprint.

I hurried after her, my ears perked as I gazed around at my surroundings, making sure not to trip over a pebble or something.

"Go get Lionclaw!" I heard the silent yowl from Ashcloud, knowing Swiftbird would be in need of her beloved and trusted mate.

I hustled myself towards the warriors den, and crawled inside, trying not to make a noise as I scurried towards Lionclaw's scruffy nest.

I prodded him with my paw, and he rustled in the moss, trying to stay asleep.

I poked him a little harder, and he opened his eyes with annoyance. "What?" He asked bitterly, glancing up at me with a cold glaze over his eyes.

"Swiftbird. She's having the kits." I meowed urgently, unsheathing and sheathing my claws.

Lionclaw instantly pounced to his feet and rushed out of the warriors den, accidently stepping on his denmates tails and making them hiss in annoyance.

I followed more carefully, muttering an apology to the cats he stepped on, but they just grumbled in reply.

I burst out of the den, and already saw Lionclaw's tail disappear into the nursery, and I trailed behind him as quickly as I could.

When I arrived, Swiftbird was desperately clutching a stick in her jaws, it was already splinted and I noticed another ripple shudder through her stomach.

She shrieked against the stick and another shudder ran through her body, and a tiny kit slithered outside of her, and she collapsed on the ground.

Ashcloud kneaded her belly, feeling for more kits. The medicine cat nodded towards Lionclaw, and looked back down at Swiftbird.

"One more to come!" She purred cheerfully.

I glanced outside of the nursery, and I could see my Clan mates stirring, and Flamestar pounce down from the Tall Ledge and stalk over towards us.

"Clearpaw." My mentor, and leader meowed, and padded in next to me.

Ashcloud, lifting her head from Swiftbird's pained gaze and looking at the red tom. She shooed us with her tail, and I realized we must be corrupting the new family's special moment.

As I padded out with Flamestar, I could hear the final wail from the queen, and the triumphed meow of Ashcloud and Lionclaw.

My Clan started to gather around the nursery, sharing excited murmurs.

Soon after, I saw Ashcloud pad out and welcome some of us later.

Flamestar was the first to go in, and he came out a minute later with a warm smile spread across his face. He gently nudged me forward, and by then Dustpaw and Featherpaw joined me.

As I padded inside with my litter mates, the soft mews of the new kits echoed around the den quietly, and I looked down to see two squirming forms wriggling near Swiftbird's belly.

Lionclaw was curled around his mate, his tail protectively guarding his family.

I purred happily, and Swiftbird gazed up at us sleepily, grinning sheepishly.

"This one is Bumblekit and Larchkit. Both toms." Swiftbird yawned, resting her head on her paws.

Lionclaw licked her ears gently, his throat rumbling with a soft, sweet purr.

I smiled gratefully down at the two new kits, and for some reason I couldn't wait to be Swiftbird.

A mother.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now