Chapter 8

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Looking up at my leader, my mind froze.

Clearest dawn... Clear... Clearkit? Cleardawn? Wait a minute... Is that my warrior name?

I drifted my eyes to Sandpatch, who was glinting at me with an expression of relaxation.
I just wanted to through myself at him right then, scratching his ears off with my tiny self, but I knew I'd be punished, and that'd make my father hate me all the more.

But why would he be so calm when there was a high hope of me dying in the future?

I sighed, shrugging and shaking my head, my cheek fur fluffed up and my ears flat on my head. "How should I know? I'm only a kit."

Flamestar sighed in sync with me, knowing I was right. "We best gather Snowfall and bring her back for vigil..." The red tom mumbled, padding away from the two related cats.
Sandpatch followed, and I watched as he forced his tail to drag behind him, making a slithering path in the grounded dirt.

I curled my lip in disgust. What a fool, pretending to grieve.

Bounding after them, my mind whirling, I wondered who would ever want to hurt such a precious and peaceful queen who was nursing.

As we padded through the tall grass blades, my mind still wandering, I could smell the acrid scent of something that had died, which made my nose wrinkle up in disgust.

I noticed Flamestar and Sandpatch made the same exact face, their and my eyes filled with an explainable expression.

Walking towards the smell, I couldn't help but wonder how it smelled this rotten if she just went missing this morning.

Finally reaching my mother's body, my sense of smell vanished and my nose unwrinkled, forming a shocked look.

This isn't what it looked like in my dream... Oh not at all!

(A/N: Very descriptive death warning!)

Snowfall was covered in crawling bugs, going into her eye sockets and chewing away some of the skin and fur. Her once beautiful face was now rotten and mushy, filled with hundreds of maggots and flys eating her away bit by bit. Blood stained her white pelt, and for some reason it was still spilling onto the sand covered ground.
Her fur was ragged and her front paw seemed to be twisted.
Scrunching up my nose once more, my ears flat to my head and my gaze blank, I watched helplessly as my mother was slowly being chewed away, thinking of how horrible a kind of death this was.

Suddenly, to my horror, I heard the noise that made my heart stop.

A wheeze... A small.. small wheeze, and the very faint rise and fall of my mother's chest...

"Oh dear StarClan!" I shrieked. "Snowfall's still alive!"

(A/N: It's a fanfiction... I know people wouldn't survive THAT but this is fake. So yeah. And btw I told you so with the gruesome part!)

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now