Chapter 2

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I dashed inside the nursery, it's milky scent wafting my nose. Tears made my eyes blurry as I stumbled into my mother, who was sleeping peacefully in the soft moss bedding. Her white head shot up in alarm, her magnificent blue eyes glimmering with worry.

"Clearkit?" She mumbled, staring down at me. Almost everyone in the nursery was now staring at us. My muzzle was pressed against her soft belly, while my soft sobs vibrated through her bristled fur. She nuzzled my cheek.
"What's wrong, dear?" She asked softly. I raised my head slowly, and met her gaze. Her eyes were a motherly appearance, making me notice she was worried and ready to protect me at all costs.

I didn't want my parents to get into trouble, but I knew it was the best to tell Snowfall the mishap of what happened just moments ago.
"Sandpatch threatened me." I whispered, my voice hitched and squeaky as I was waiting for a harsh remark about my father. But there was silence. I could note the dullness bubbling in her eyes, and her tail slowly starting to lash in anger.

"That foxheart..." She murmered under her breath.

Shocked at her words, I prodded her with my paw. She stared at me, confusion flashing through her eyes like I was a complete stranger.

Thoughts whirled in my mind at how blank she became in just a few heartbeats. "Snowfall...?" I asked hesitantly, my eyes wide. She didn't respond. All she did was rise to her paws, and slowly pad out of the nursery without a word.
I was so confused, that my mind blanked and my vision corrupted into nothingness as I stared at the wall.

Did I just destroy my mothers' spirit? I asked myself. I shook my head. That's impossible. With the blank expression written on my face, I didn't notice Dustkit stalking inside until he snarled at me.

My head darted to face him, the grief in my eyes slowly drifting away as I eyed the brown kit with narrowed eyes.
"Just leave me alone, Dustkit." I meowed coldly, walking past him and padding out into the open.

The sun glistened in the sky, and bird song was rapidly spreading through the forest as I perked my ears.

Lifting my muzzle and parting my jaws, I tasted the humid air. It was misty and foggy, but I could scent something else.
Stormkit! My eyes shot open to see the gray tom bounding toward me worriedly.
"You better hide." He announced as he approached me, and I could see the faint glimpses of Featherkit and Reedkit as well. The scent of confusion bursted through my pelt at his words and their quick feet in to rushing me away. "Why? What's the matter?" Featherkit was grief-stricken by the look of it, and I could hear Dustkit scowling from the nursery. My pelt started to bristle in anger. "Tell me!" I urged. Stormkit bowed his head. "Snowfall and Sandpatch are having an argument-" He started, but was cut off by Dustkit's hiss. "Yeah, and in the forest, too! I know my father and he'd do anything to show himself worthy. He doesn't like negative responses, trust me. He told me if anyone says something bad about them, he'll hurt them. I thought he was kidding by his smile, but I may be wrong now." And for the first time since I opened my eyes, I could scent the faint smell of fear coming from him.
Worry came washing in my face. "We have to go help her!" I shrieked, and without a word, I bolted out of camp.

I could hear pattering paws pounding behind me, as well as the caterwauling of my Clanmates.

"Get them!" I could hear the faint voice of Hawksoar and Poppyseed, and the race to Snowfall was on.

I couldn't let them get me.

Snowfall was in danger... Of my own father.

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now