Chapter 12

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Prodding against my side made me burst open my eyes and groan in annoyance.

For a few heartbeats I let my eyes adjust to the beaming light that was shining into the apprentices den, then I could finally see the broad shoulders of Flamestar standing above me.

I lightly pushed him away and tucked my head under my paws, but then soon realized I denied my leader.

I jumped to my paws aimlessly, and almost knocked him over with my sudden impact of realization.

I expected a sudden scold from him, but he just twitched his whiskers in amusement, purring loudly.

"It's time for battle training." Flamestar murmured, and before I could squeal in excitement his tail disappeared from the den.

I shuffled around and fixed my nest and groomed my fur before I stormed out of the apprentices den and came hurling myself at the camp entrance.

Scuffling my paws anxiously, my sleep vanished, I waited impatiently for Flamestar.

Before I knew it, he was padding up to me along side Featherpaw, Dustpaw, Redeye, and Hawksoar.

Confusion spread over me as I was expecting to see Stormpaw and Reedpaw with them, but they weren't in sight.

Flamestar, being the genius he is, smirked and chuckled lightly, technically reading my mind. "They're out hunting." He explained, before trotting out of camp.

I watched after him in pure shock, before shaking my head and bounding after him, Dustpaw and Featherpaw only a whisker behind me.

As we passed a large bramble thicket, vines drapping over it and trees looming down on us, I parted my jaws to take in the glory of the luxurious forest.

When I was still a kit and I went searching for Snowfall, I never really paid attention to the beautiful roses blooming, the tall, thick trees with ancient claw marks from my ancestors, or the delicate ferns that swayed in the distance.

It was truly one of a kind.

I purred unintentionally, and I could hear the soft gasps from my litter mates, for this was their first time being out of camp.

Noticing that the three of us were falling behind, I bounced after Hawksoar and Redeye, almost knocking them off their paws.

Glancing behind me, Dustpaw had his muzzle pointed skyward and his eyes closed as he tasted the air, a rumble vibrating through his throat.

Featherpaw was prodding a small clover patch, and I could see a glimpse of a grasshopper swiftly jumping away.

Turning back around, I bounded up to Flamestar so I could pad beside him.

He glanced down at me. "I know you've been out here before, but, how do you like FlameClan's territory?" Flamestar asked curiously, looking back to where he was walking.

"It's amazing." I meowed truthfully, glimpsing upwards towards the sky and seeing the large branches softly sway in the mild winds.

Flamestar nodded in approval, and soon I realized we reached a small ditch with small, sprouting trees and loose pebbles. A small pond was at the back, and I could see the gray pelt of Darkgaze lapping at the rippling waters.

"Where are we?" Dustpaw asked from behind, making me turn towards him.

Redeye glanced down at his apprentice with understanding, his eyes gleaming with excitment. "This is the Pebble Ditch. Where we train." He explained.

A squeal from Featherpaw made Darkgaze pause from her drinking and stare up at the group of wandering cats.

"Sparrowpaw!" The she-cat called, swiftly bounding up to us.

Before I could take another breath, Sparrowpaw was padding from behind a large stone, a fallen tree trunk above him forming a pathway to a grassy area.

"Look who's here!" The apprentice exclaimed cheerfully, his eyes priding on me. I flinched at his gaze, knowing that it should be awkward for him.

Sparrowpaw and I were good friends when we were kits until I got into trouble with Sandpatch and the apprentice decided my family was too rough.

I sighed, and easily jumped down into the large ditch, my muscles tensing as I hit the ground with ease.

Thumps behind me noted me that my companions have done the same.

Sparrowpaw padded up to me and glanced down at me.

I was far more small than any other cat. I was like a midget that everyone looked down at.

I expected the apprentice to scowl and bare his teeth, but instead his eyes gleamed with hope. "Hello, Clearpaw." He greeted calmly, his tail flicking behind him and his fur glossy, alerting me that he had just washed.

I nodded silently, trying not to meet his gaze as Flamestar and Dustpaw passed me, heading towards the pond for a quick drink.

Thankfully, Featherpaw called me over to show me something, and I quickly bounced over towards her.

There was a small hole underground with a large, stable sand barrier. I could hear the rustling of cats underneath.

The familiar scent of Stormpaw and Reedpaw washed over me and I chuckled as I knew they were busy training.

Suddenly, I tensed when I could feel someone staring into my back, making my fur rise in tension as I tried to ignore it.

I knew it was Sparrowpaw.

I just knew it.

And I couldn't help but feel a small tingling in my paws, knowing that he could possibly feel something for me.


*wriggles eyebrows* Someone's got a crush. xD Anyways, if I made any mistakes please let me know! Make sure to vote, comment and even share this story! Thanks!

Warrior Cats: Cleardawn's Silence #Wattys2016 [Book ONE]Where stories live. Discover now