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luke walked into what looked like a hospital. ashton leads him to a rather large room, filled with at least thirty young hybrids.

"go ahead." ashton says, encouraging him to start choosing.

"t-there's so many." luke gapes.

"yeah and there's more. these are just the human-cat hybrids."

luke scans the whole room before settling on a female hybrid. she's blonde with golden ears and tail.

"hey," he whispers, crouching down next to her. the girl smiles. she must be seventeen years old at least.

"I'm luke."

"britt." she purrs, slightly rubbing her shoulder against him.

luke glances back towards ashton. he has a disapproving look on his face.

luke's smile turns into a pout, but he stands up to join ashton.

"why?" luke whines. "she's adorable."

ashton gazes around the room before looking back to luke.

"did I mention that you could fuck them?" he whispers, so that none of the furries could hear them.

luke's eyes widen.

"I-I mean," luke stutters.

"haven't you always said you wanted to be dom?" ash interjects.

luke rubs his hands on his jeans. he hadn't realized they were so sweaty.

"that one." ashton says, pointing in the corner of the room.

luke looks to where he's pointing and sees the most gorgeous boy - erm, hybrid - that he's ever seen.

bright pink hair with light brown ears and tail. he's perfect.

luke doesn't say anything. he just walks toward the hybrid. he's tiny. and young. and luke likes him already.

the young furry looks up as luke sits next to him against the wall.

"hi," he whispers, though the doesn't know why he's whispering. "I'm luke."

the furry stays silent, looking at his hands.

"you wanna go home with me?"


"furry's must have a dominate figure in their life. whether you are buying him for a present or yourself. they need to be disciplined at all times." the 'furry expert' stated, reading off an official-looking paper. she looked up at him, "can you provide this furry with the dominance he needs?"

luke nodded.

she smiled, then continued, "furries who have no dominant figure in their life usually become controlling and short-tempered. you must learn to not listen to what they say as they are impulsive and act without thought. once a furry cannot be controlled it means they are feral and must be reported immediately. they will be taken to one of our sanctuaries and will be kept there for the remainder of their life."

luke gulps. was dominance really that important?

"also, it is important that they are fed three times a day. just like humans, they need nutrients. their bodies work just like ours do. it's just their brains that are different. furries that are neglected will be given a different home if they aren't feral already."

she handed luke a pamphlet with a hybrid on the cover. in bold type on the top it reads 'furries 101'

"any questions?"

luke was reluctant to ask, but she cut him off before he could say anything.

"furries have a high pain tolerence. and all of them - including the males - are fertile. any furry has the ability to become pregnant, but only if they are in heat. and the furry will know when they are in heat. once pregnant it takes about three to four months to deliver. the baby can be either another furry or a human, though the higher possibility is furry."

it's like she could read his mind.

"did that answer your question?" she smiles.

he nods quickly.

luke signed many papers and held the furry's hand as they walked out of the large building.

"on the adoption paper's it's said that your name is michael."

the little hybrid nods.

"it says you've got a past owner." luke says, raising his eyebrows. luke found it odd michael was owned by someone already even though he looked so young. michael only nods again.

ashton walks behind them, jumping into the passenger seat with luke at the wheel.

they ride home in silence. luke doesn't know if he's made the right decision about taking michael home yet. he thinks he was impulsive and ash persuaded him. michael didn't speak. luke thinks he might even be selectively mute. luke didn't mind too much yet that he was so quiet, but he knew it would become a problem soon.

luke stopped in front of ashton's house.

"I'll be right out with louis." he mutters, shutting the door. luke looks at michael who shudders.

"louis is ashton's furry. I think you two will be friends." luke smiles, but michael just scratched behind his ear and looks down at his lap.

"don't worry, kitten." luke purrs, trying to comfort michael from his seat in the front.

michael whimpers, making his first sound in front of luke. luke turns to look at michael again and is met with michael jutting his lip out, looking at luke with big, round, and incredibly bright, green eyes.

"kitten?" luke says again, this time a bit louder, and michael begins to squirm.

the moment is cut short by ashton opening the back door for louis, then opening the passenger seat for himself.

the drive is silent again but luke notices in the mirror that louis is staring intently at michael. michael glanced at him once before looking at his hands, which were laced together on his lap.


whoop whoop I'm excited for this one (:

do you like ash and louis though? bc idk yet.

also, how old do you think michael is?

don't forget to vote !!!

stay happy, angels

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